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“Yup. I’m not thrilled about it, but you need closure, and I need to see that bastard dead.”

“Wow. Okay.” I tucked a chunk of hair into the floppy bun I’d slept in. “What do we need to do? How do we get ready?”

“First, we seal the mate bond.”



I nodded, the movement rougher than it should’ve been.

“Then, we have the dreaded phone call with my parents, followed by yours.”

My stomach clenched tightly.

We still hadn’t had the family talk.

“You’ll need to decide whether or not you want to plan our mating celebration before we talk to my mom, too. She’ll start planning the moment we hang up if we don’t tell her one way or another.”

“Are they always four-day celebrations?” I asked.


I grimaced. “I’ll lose my mind if I’m in charge of planning that.”

“Good. My mom would be disappointed if she didn’t get to do it herself anyway.”

“At least I already know your mom. It would be more uncomfortable if she was a stranger. Although, she might wish she didn’t know me when she realizes what we are to each other…”

Zander snorted. “Are you kidding? My mom is going to be ecstatic. She’s been trying to get me mated off for ages. She’ll drive Bash insane with trying to find out who his potential mate in the city is after this. I wouldn’t be surprised if she flies in and refuses to leave until she locates the woman.”

“He has a potential mate in Scale Ridge?”

“Yeah. She hasn’t gotten a location out of him yet, but I’m sure she’ll try harder after this.” He gestured between us.

“Do you know who she is?” Curiosity made me ask.

“Nah. I have a theory, but I can’t share it. If I get involved with his shit in any form, he’ll get involved with mine.”

“Gotcha.” I continued working on my food. “Assuming we go through with this plan, when would the celebration be?”

“She could probably manage to get everything together in a month if she needed to. Two months is more comfortable. But the longer it takes, the longer you’re stuck in this house with me.”

“If we seal the mate bond, I’ll be stuck with you anyway,” I pointed out. “We won’t be able to be apart, right?”

“Technically, wecouldbe apart. It would just drive us both to insanity.”

I made a face. “I’m crazy enough without any help from a mate bond.”

“So am I.”

“Assuming I wanted to have a girls’ night with Tatum and Brynn at Tatum’s place tonight, would it be safe enough?”

He lifted a shoulder. “Probably fine. I’d rather you do it here, though. My security system’s better.”

“We were kind of hoping for a male-free zone.”

“Sweetheart, after last time, you’re not going anywhere without me. Bond or no bond, you’re stuck.”
