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A few minutes later, there was a knock on my door.

I wanted to curse.

“What?” I called out instead, not getting out of bed.

“We need to talk.” His voice was neutral again. I hated it when he got all neutral.

“I’m working.”

“Now, Brynlee.”

It shouldn’t have been hot when he used my full name, but it was.

“Later,” I said.

I heard my lock click, and the door swung open. I glared at him as he stepped into the doorway, his posture stiff and his eyes hot.

“No means no, Dash.”

“Now means now, Brynlee,” he growled back. “You’re avoiding me.”

“Whywouldn’tI be avoiding you? Should I list off all the things you’ve done to piss me off, starting with yanking me off the lap of a guy I was going to have sex with?”

“He was going to turn you,” Bash nearly snarled. “And you don’t belong to him.”

“I belong to myself, and I wanted to be both turnedandfucked,” I shot back.

Bash clenched his jaw.

His fists followed shortly.

His face was paler than usual, and the circles beneath his eyes were getting pretty damn dark. “I need to feed,” he said, abruptly changing the subject. “Rafe wants us to meet them at a club in a few hours. We’re going.”

“Have you ever heard of being polite, Mash?”

“Please,” he gritted out.


“We’ll leave at eight.” He stepped out of the room and slammed the door behind him. I didn’t hear his feet on the ground, though. A moment later, the door opened again. His nostrils flared. “I need you to let me buy candy from your shop.”

The words sounded difficult for him to get out.

I lifted an eyebrow.

“Please,” he snapped.

“Why would I do that? You’ve made it clear that you prefer my competitors to me.”

His eyes blazed with anger. “If I had ordered from any of your shops, you all would’ve known how much candy I was going through. That wasn’t an option. I’m sorry it hurt you.”

With that, he stepped out and slammed the door behind himself again.

I grabbed my phone and sent a quick, angry message.


