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“Like hell it isn’t. Have you ever experienced hunger so intense, you can’t think about anything else? It’s brutal. It’s hard enough being a demon, when all you need is lust—when you need blood, it can seriously alter the way you think. Turning changes some people entirely. We’re not taking that risk when there are other options.”

“Fine.” I still didn’t think it was as bad as he was making it out to be, but we could talk about other options. “The alternative is one of us moving away. Far away.”

“I tried. Every time I leave, the pull to get back to you is all I can think about. I get obsessive, and the desire is harder to fight when I inevitably lose control to it.” The frustration in his voice was evident. “This is why supernaturals move before they meet a potential mate. It screws with your mind.”

“I can move somewhere random, where you won’t be able to find me. It’s not a big deal. I was thinking about moving anyway.”

“It won’t work. The thread between us is unaffected by distance at this point. I can barely stomach drinking anyone else’s lust,and I haven’t even tasted yours.” His growl was fierce. “The situation is a mess.”

“Well, I’m sorry I’m such a burden.” I tried to open my door to get out, but the damn child lock was still flipped. When I huffed at him, I found his eyes narrowed at me.

“I’m not frustrated with you, Brynlee. I’m frustrated with the situation.”

“Iamthe situation!”

“No. The situation is that I don’t want a mate, but I seem to have no choice in the matter any longer.”

“With the right woman, it wouldn’t matter,” I threw out.

“Of course it would. Do you think I enjoy being trapped any more than you do?”

He had me with that one.

If there was anyone who didn’t like losing their freedom, it was me.

“Fine. It’s not personal, even if it feels personal.” I tucked my hair behind my ear. “What options do you see for us?”

“We ignore the bond for a few more years, hoping it will go away, or we embrace it and seal it. Both have pros, and both have cons.”

Ilovedhearing there would be cons to sealing a bond with me. Really,reallyloved it.

“Tell me the pros and cons, then.”

He pulled out of the parking lot, speaking as he drove. “It will continue to be difficult to ignore the bond for me. I’ll be physically pulled toward you even more than I already am. You’ll continue not feeling the effects of it, because you’re human. The main pro is that it could potentially fade, freeing us both. The secondary is that we’ll maintain more of our freedom, in being able to be apart for typical daily events.”


“Sealing the bond comes with more obligations. Even if we decided we’re not compatible, there would be no separating. We’d be forced to stay together physically, feeding from each other from the rest of our lives. It would give us stability in being reliant on each other, and there would be no uncertainty left.”

“And you would prefer…” I trailed off.

“Not sealing the bond. The pros outweigh the cons for it, where the cons outweigh the pros for sealing it.”

Which was why he’d decided to stay away from me for so long.


“Stability and certainty are pretty big pros,” I said, still looking out the window instead of at the man next to me.

“So you’d prefer to seal the bond.”

“Yes. Immortality would be a perk for me too, considering none of the people I love are aging, and I am.”

“It’s not worth the price of constant hunger.” His words were sharp.

“Not for you, maybe. I can put up with a lot for the sake of not dying alone.”

His jaw clenched. “We’ll agree to disagree.”
