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Tatum and Miles slipped inside the room, locking it behind them.

“That doesn’t look very comfortable,” Tatum remarked. I was still on the floor in front of the bed, with my face against the side of it.

“It’s not.” I heaved a sigh. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Want to cancel the girls’ night we have on the schedule and tell us what’s going on?” Miles asked.

I lifted my watery eyes to her, widening them like I was shocked. “You would cancel something? What did Zander do to you?”

“You’d probably be disgusted if I told you.”

Tatum snorted.

I laughed.

“Don’t change the subject, B.”

“I know. I’m just… It’s weird. You’re going to judge me.”

They both gave me looks that said I was insane.

We never judged each other. Not rudely, at least.

“Fine. Remember how I thought Sebastian hated me? And how he’d never look at me, and made it a habit to never be where I was if he could avoid it?”

Both of them nodded.

“Well, he doesn’t hate me. Mostly. Actually, maybe he still does. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, I’m his potential mate. Anastasia figured it out after he chased me to a nightclub and ripped me out from beneath a vampire’s teeth. That’s a long story. But yeah, he’s obsessed with me. He also sort of hates me and doesn’t want to be with me. I’ve been trying to seduce him into changing his mind. So basically, it’s a mess,” I finished.

Miles blinked.

Tatum blinked twice.

“Let’s get the long version of that story, maybe?” Tatum finally said, looking at Miles.

Miles nodded vigorously. “We’re going to need the long version.”

I sighed, but launched into it anyway.

When I was done telling the story, they pulled me into their arms and squeezed me tightly. My tears had dried up, but I was still unsure of what to do.

“You and Anastasia are right,” Tatum said bluntly. “Bash is a stubborn bastard. If he’s not going to claim you on his own, you have to push him until he changes his mind. If he doesn’t change his mind, you walk away. I’ll help you do it, too.”

My throat swelled. “You don’t think I’m insane?”

“Of course not.” Miles scowled at me. “You’re potential mates. He needs to decide he wants you, or walk away. You’re being a hell of a lot nicer about it than I would be.”

I nodded, biting my lip. “So what do I do?”

“You hold your ground. He either wants to be your boyfriend, or he doesn’t. Making him decide that isn’t forcing him to be your mate. It’s forcing him to decide what he’s willing to lose. If he’s willing to lose you, he doesn’t deserve you,” Tatum said.

I nodded again.

They were right.

I let out a long breath and wiped my face. “Guess I’d better get ready for dinner.”

Miley smiled.
