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“Here,take Elle. Annie wants more potatoes,” Brynn said, putting our one-year-old in my arms. Elle gave a battle-shriek, and smacked me in the face with the plastic doll she’d taken from one of her older sisters. With four daughters, there were a plethora of girly, pink toys everywhere, and I loved every minute of it.

I’d never realized how damn much I’d love being a dad, but those little girls had me wrapped around their tiny, adorable fingers.

I grinned at Elle, not bothering to take the doll. “You’re a warrior.”

“She is. And she’s mine,” Tatum declared, sweeping the little girl away from me.

Tatum was eight-months pregnant with her second. Brynn, Tatum, and Miles had all gotten pregnant around the same time seven years earlier. While Tatum and Miles both had boys, Brynn had a girl.

And another girl, a year-and-a-half after the first.

And a third, two years after that.

And a fourth, a year-and-a-half later.

Our daughters were just like their mother; wild, sweet, and fun.

Miles and Zander had three boys. The oldest two were six and three, and their youngest was a newborn. Our mother had him cradled in her arms while she and our dad chatted with the couple on the couch. Their other kids were running around with ours in the toy room. They were all close, and could entertain each other for days without intervention, as long as there were snacks nearby.

Tatum and Rafael were expecting a girl, and I had no doubt she would be partners in crime with our little Elle.

My gaze followed Brynn to the kitchen, and my lips curved as I watched her chat with our two-year-old as she put together another plate of food.

My girls loved their mother so much, it made my chest ache. It was so damn good to see them together.

“Who would’ve thought my trip to prison would lead to all of this?” Rafael asked, stepping up beside me and draping an arm over my shoulder. His eyes followed his mate, flicking toward the toy room when a few kids ran out with pink foam swords in their hands.

“Not me. I was so damn pissed when you took the fall for us.”

He grinned. “Glad about it now, though, huh?”

“Undoubtedly.” I watched Brynn help Annie to the table, and sit down with her. Rafael’s year in hell had led to a lifetime ofeverything I hadn’t realized I wanted or needed. “Ready for the new baby?”

Rafe grinned, his smile nearly blinding. “Hell yes.”

I chuckled. “Good.”

Brynn tucked a few strands of hair behind Annie’s ear, and my chest ached again.

She was so damn perfect for me.

“I’m going to go help my mate. Bring my kid back when Tatum’s done with her.”

“Will do.” Rafael smacked me on the back as I ducked out from beneath his arm, striding across the room.

Annie squealed and lunged for me when I sat down on the bench next to Brynn, and I caught her easily.

“Hey, baby.” I kissed Brynn lightly, while Annie climbed all over me like I was a wall she needed to scale.

Brynn smiled. “Hey, Smash.” She snagged Annie from me, earning a banshee-like scream that made us both grin.

I fucking loved our life.
