Page 39 of Savage

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Dag's eyes are filled with sympathy, "Yeah, she did. Thank the Gods all of you are okay. We just lost mom. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you too."

"Luckily, we don't have to think about that," Magnus speaks up, "I'll be damned if anything happens to your sister."

Dag looks at Magnus and I can tell he's struggling to bite his tongue. "You almost did. Why weren't you with her?"

"Dag, stop." Rayna pushes her brother, looking right into his eyes. "The important thing is that I am okay,"

"She's right. Magnus, go get whatever you need to get done and then get back out to Aziza and Aesir. It would be good for him to have an extra set of hands out there in case those fuckers are still around."

I know I'm making a very good point and Magnus does too. "Yeah, you're right. Sweet cheeks, you wanna come with me or stay here?"

"Go with you, always." Rayna replies as she takes Magnus' hand.

"Safe travels," I tell them as I walk off, heading upstairs to see if Starla needs any help.

Things at the club might be chaotic right now, but I know everything will settle down once we're done dealing with this cartel bullshit.



I will never get over the sterile smell that wafts through your nose whenever you walk into a hospital.

I sit here, next to Meghan's bedside, clasping her hand tightly in mine as I tell her about what's been going on. It's not like she can say anything back, but at least I can talk to her about it.

It's been two days since I got back from Jacksonville and I needed to come see her. Things were so crazy I wasn't able to at first, but now I'm here.

Meghan's eyes are closed and she breathes in and out in slow, deep breaths. We're all elated she's still able to breathe without a breathing tube, but I know we're all wondering if she'll wake up.

I hold onto hope, praying for some kind of sign from her. I want her to squeeze my hand, mumble, just give me something that means she's going to wake up.

As much as I wish she'd give me a sign, she hasn't. I'm not a doctor so I can't predict if and when she will wake up, but I'm not going to let negative thoughts creep in.

The ache in my chest grows stronger every time I visit her, missing our friendship.

Sure, I can be here, but it's not the same.

Nothing is the same.

Aziza and Rayna are great friends to me, but Meghan and I share a bond that goes back to around the time when Ivar first picked me up.

It was four months after I'd already been on the road with the club, we found her at a stingy motel in Iowa.

She was only sixteen—a runaway looking for a new life.

Runes tried to get her to go back to her foster home, but Meghan refused. Still, Runes kept trying to convince her.

Eventually, she told us horrible stories about why she'd never go back, and Runes stopped trying. He made a deal with her that day, said they'd keep her safe until she was eighteen and then she could decide what she wanted to do.

When her eighteenth birthday came around, she decided to be part of the club in the same capacity I was.

"I really, really need you to wake up soon." I say, my voice barely above a whisper as I strengthen my grip on her hand.

My mind drifts back to all of the memories we've shared over the years—late night gossip over drinks, various thrift store adventures, and the time we snuck out and went to the amusement park by ourselves. The guys almost shit themselves when we returned later that night.

If I'm being honest with myself, I miss her now more than ever.

My voice is barely above a whisper as I speak, "You have no idea how hard things have been since you've been here. Sometimes I think, well, I think these horrible things. You don't even know what I did," I murmur lowly, studying Meghan's calm face.
