Page 40 of Savage

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She lies in the hospital bed, still and silent with a peaceful expression. I wish she could reply back to me, but she can't.

I take a deep breath and continue, "You'd probably tell me the same thing Ivar did, how it was justified. You'd tell me I didthe right thing, given the circumstances. You're a good friend like that." I smile softly and swallow hard, wishing she'd say something.

God, I don't know what I'll do if Meghan never wakes up.

Heavy footsteps come down the hallway and grow louder with each waking step.

I glance over to the left and in the doorframe of her hospital room stands Runes. He forces a smile as he walks in, "I didn't expect to see you here."

I shrug, "Yeah, well, I have to come see Meg from time to time. If I don't come here, she'll miss out on all the gossip."

Runes chuckles lightly, "Yeah, well, leave it to you two to gossip. I remember how you were back then, placing bets on the girls the brothers would leave the bar with."

I throw back my head in laughter, "Yeah, and we were hardly ever wrong."

Runes smirks, "True."

Runes walks further into the room and takes a seat in one of the empty armchairs sitting along the wall. "While we're both here do you mind if we talk shop?"

I shake my head, "No, not at all. What's on your mind?"

Ivar told me Runes wanted to talk to me after we got back from Jacksonville, but Runes never sought me out. I figured he was busy, so I didn't bother him. I knew we'd link up at some point, and here we are.

Runes starts, "I looked over everything and we should be ready to hard launch Bubba's next month. I need to know if there's anything else you wanted added to the drink menu?"

I take a moment to think before answering, "I think what we have right now for our house specials is perfect, but it would be cool to offer seasonal drinks, or themed drinks for certain holidays. I can come up with some recipes and give the names ofthe drinks to Rayna so she can put them in the template, if you'd like?"

Rayna didn't just design the website, she's also designed the menus as well. All Runes has to do is approve them and then I can send them over to our supplier to get them printed out.

Runes nods, "That sounds great. The brothers and I have come up with some food options for the menu. Some of them are items that the original Bubba's sells, and I'd like to have those featured as well. I know those combined aren't enough to fill out the food, so I was hoping you'd be able to put some other shit on there that customers might like."

I nod in agreement, "Yeah, I can talk to the ol' ladies about it too and get their input."

A smile spreads across Runes' face. "That's a great idea. It'll make them feel like they're part of this process."

I can't believe Runes didn't think about asking the women. They don't ask for much, and they love the club. I'll go up to each ol' lady and ask them for something they'd like on the menu. Including them is only going to make them feel valued and cherished.

Runes and I chat for a little while longer, both sharing how the recent updates we've received about Meghan's care have been good. It's no surprise both of us want her to wake up soon.

In my eyes, the club feels so different without her there laughing and chatting with me every day.

I end up leaving the hospital and make it back to the clubhouse where a few of the ladies are in the kitchen, throwing together something for dinner.

The scent of cumin, red pepper flakes, and a few other spices fill the room, making my stomach growl.

"What are you guys mixing up?" I ask as I take a seat at the industrial sized metal table in the center of the kitchen.

There are times where I wonder what this warehouse was used for to have a kitchen of this caliber.

If we weren't using this as a clubhouse, this would be the perfect spot for Magnolia and Aziza to run their catering company.

Esperanza turns around and smirks, "I found a new taco recipe online." she announces proudly, "I'm combining it with something Soledad and I always make. I think it's going to be fire."

Magnolia chimes in, "As long as it doesn't make my asshole feel like it's on fire I don't care,"

Charm bursts into laughter while I sit back and enjoy the show. "Oh my God!"

Aziza looks up from chopping red onions and asks me curiously, "Where did you come in from? I noticed you were gone earlier,"
