Page 41 of Savage

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"I went to the hospital to check on Meghan." I reply.

"Oh, any updates?" Aziza lifts her brows.

I shake my head, "Only what we already know. Her brain activity is good, blood pressure and heart rate are stable. Everything seems to be fine. I just wish they could figure out why she isn't awake yet."

Magnolia nods sympathetically and licks her lips, "Head injuries are tricky, sweetheart. She'll wake up when she's ready. All we can do is keep going on and be there for her when she does."

I smile gratefully, nodding. "You're right. I did run into Runes. He was coming to check on Meghan too. We talked about Bubba's and he needs some help nailing down a few more items for the food menu. So, I was thinking you ladies can pick some things out for me."

"Esperanza's cheesesteak wontons!" Esperanza cackles.

I pull out my phone and open up my Notes app, typing it in. "Okay, that sounds delicious and I want to know how to make them."

"Magnolia's Taco Cheeseburger, made like normal but instead of a bun use two flour tortillas, add pico de Gallo, fresh avocado slices and some Mexican cheese. Serve with a side of loaded nachos." Magnolia speaks up, rubbing her growing baby belly. "Fuck, now I want that."

"What about you two?" I glance over at Aziza and Charm.

"Are we putting our name in front of everything?" Aziza asks.

"Maybe, but I'm kind of thinking about just calling them Magnolia, then below it have the details for the taco cheeseburger. I'll do the same sort of things for the stuff the brothers picked out."

Charm eagerly pipes in, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "That's a great idea. I'd say have me in the appetizer section for a variety of wings: garlic parmesan, hot, teriyaki, buffalo, and lemon pepper."

"Got it," I say, typing into my notes.

Aziza's quiet for a moment and speaks up, "I want you to put a peanut butter chocolate molten lava cake down for me,"

"Fair enough. Are you making desserts for the bar, or do you just want something named after you?" It would be a good idea for Aziza to make the desserts, but she hasn't offered.

"Do you need someone to handle the desserts?" She asks with an arched brow.

I nod, "We haven't nailed it down, and who better to do it than you? I can call the dessert section 'Zizi's Treats', then have five or six options that are available every day."

Aziza smirks, "Yeah, I can come up with five more options for you easily. Is it okay if I get them to you by the morning?"

I love how well all of us here can work together. "Take a couple days if you want, there's no rush."

I make my way around the club and get input from almost all of the ol' ladies, except Fern. She's not at the club right now so I shoot off a quick text to her, explaining why I'm asking.

I'm making my way into the main area of the clubhouse when there's a loud knock at the door.

Anyone who's close to us knows not to knock, and to come right in.

Tor's shooting pool with Geirolf and stops, immediately walking over to see who it is.

My phone vibrates in my hand and glancing down I can see Fern's texted me back.

My eyes are focused on my phone, but a gut feeling washes over me. It's telling me to look up, so I do.

Sure enough, Tor's talking to a police officer, who's looking behind him inside the clubhouse.

Raising his voice, Tor speaks loudly, "Yes, she is. May I ask why you're looking for her?"

The officer inhales deeply, taking a deep breath before responding. "There's some news I need to relay to her."

Tor turns and scans the club until his eyes land on me. "Starla, can you come here?"

My heart drops as I make my way toward them. With each step I take, the sinking feeling settles into the pit of my stomach.
