Page 44 of Savage

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I pause, contemplating his words before I give him a slow nod. "Without a doubt."

Fenrir's phone starts ringing and he fishes it out of his pocket as he responds to me. "I'm glad you two finally figured it out. The night you picked her up somethin' changed in you. I saw it then, and I see it now."

His words hang in the air, not needing a direct response from me. Instead, I change the subject. "I'll give you a heads up and let you know the day before we come back."

"Sounds good. Safe travels, and if you need us, we're only one phone call away." Fenrir adds, though I don't miss the concern in his gaze.

I nod and make my way back inside the clubhouse, climbing the stairs to our room.

Starla mentioned earlier that she would pack us some duffel bags for our trip. It's the last task we need to get done before we're ready to go.

I already checked the oil in the bike, made sure I have enough gas for us to ride a couple hundred miles, put a couple pounds of air in the tires, made sure there was enough brake fluid in the reservoirs, and essentially gave the bike a complete once over.

Approaching our bedroom door, I twist the knob and push it open to find Starla meticulously folding clothes. She places them into the duffel bags, just as she said she would.

"Are you about ready?" I ask her, already thinking about which route we'll take to get there.

Starla's hands tremble slightly as she zips up the bags, "Yeah," she replies shakily, "I think we're good to go."

I want to ignore her obvious nerves and get out on the road as soon as possible, hoping the wind against her skin will help calm her down,.

As much as I want to, I can't brush off what I've just seen.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask her, my concern evident in my voice.

She closes her eyes for a brief moment before meeting my gaze, "I have to do this. If I don't go see her I know I'm going to live with regret for the rest of my life."

"Okay, I just had to ask." I tell her softly, only wanting her to know I'm concerned.

Starla reaches out and takes my hand in hers, her grip firm and reassuring. "I know. Thank you for checking. This is going to be hard for me, but I know I have to do it."

I let go of her hand and pull her into a warm embrace, pressing her head against my chest.

I hold her tightly, hoping she can feel the depth of my love and determination to protect her.

Whether it's physical or emotional, I will never let any harm come to her.

Starla lets out a shuddering breath against my chest, and I close my eyes, rubbing soothing circles along her back.

She has to know she's safe with me.

I reluctantly release her from our embrace and look down into her beautiful hazel eyes, "Is there anything else you want to grab before we leave?"

Starla shakes her head, "No, I already grabbed our toothbrushes and toothpaste. I even packed our shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. They're almost empty anyway, and the stuff they give you at the hotel is crap most of the time."

"All right, well, let's get ready and go."

"Sounds good," Starla forces a small smile, and picks up one of the duffle bags.

"I have to take a piss. I'll meet you down there in a few."

She nods understandingly, "Okay, I can make us some sandwiches really quick for the road."

"That's a great idea," I agree before heading toward the bathroom.

As she leaves our bedroom I take a moment to glance around the bedroom, noticing the subtle changes that have happened since Starla moved her stuff in here.

It's no longer dark, masculine, and cold. Now there are soft pops of color that make the space feel less sterile.
