Page 32 of Meeting his Daddy

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Still, I bet I looked like that in that moment.

“Holy shit. It is your brother! No wonder it felt like a vague memory. I haven’t heard his voice in ages. Not since before…”

“Before what?” Travis took the words out of my mouth and threw them at the pair of men who looked utterly guilty at the unfinished sentence.

“Before my brother’s engagement ended. It was very sudden, and he kind of went underground after. He checks in via text these days, so I had no clue he was with Gerald. I would have said something had I known.”

Griffin nodded to him. “I’m sure you would have. I’m still hung up on the fact that I didn’t realize it was him.”

“You said he went underground? Did you mean literally?” Travis rubbed his hands against his stomach in a nervous manner. “Is it like a bunker or something?”

“God, no! I meant he just went off grid. He was living with his fiancée, and after the split, he didn’t have a place to go. He went by to get his things according to her, but she had no clue where he went after. I’ve tried finding him. My brother is hardheaded enough to stay hidden when he wants to though.”

“So we’re no closer to finding him now than we were? Even with a name on the voice, we can’t figure out where he is.” I tried to keep my tone level. It was disappointing to realize the one thing we’d hoped for wasn’t going to get us any closer to the goal.

Travis raised his hand. “Actually, there is one thing we haven’t done. I know a guy who's good at finding people. Or rather, I know of him. Atticus has his info. He could probably help us.”

“Who is this guy?” Griffin asked.

“Preacher, that private investigator. I’ve heard stories about him in passing. I think he’d be willing to help us.”

We were all quiet for a moment before Robin spoke up. “Even if you all don’t want to pursue this, I do. That’s my brother he’s with. I need to make sure he’s ok after everything that happened. I can’t just leave it until he deems it worthy of checking in.”

“Then I’ll make the call.” Travis pulled out his phone and dialed a number. The other person answered, and he greeted them with, “Hey Atty! I think I need your help with something.”

It might have been drastic, but it was the only solution any of us could come up with now that our lead was dead in the water. Maybe this P.I. would give us the answers we were looking for after all.

I only hoped those answers didn’t destroy the family I’d just become part of.

Dear Corey,

Your letter didn’t scare me away. If anything, it intrigued me. I’ll admit that I did do a bit of research discreetly.

Wow. I had no idea this kind of stuff existed. I don’t think any of it is weird. Some of it even resonated with me. The idea that you can trust someone enough to let go completely to allow them to lead the show? Yeah, sign me up.

I would never have thought to call myself submissive, but in the days since I started researching it all, I feel that’s what I truly am. I can’t believe it never occurred to me until now.

I kind of wish I had someone to help me now that I’ve figured out I’m submissive. It’s nearly impossible though since there’s no one I could trust outside of the people I work with. Trusting them with my life is one thing. This is another.

If we weren’t so far away from one another, I’d say we could figure it out together. Our two sides line up anyway, I think.

It wouldn’t be an impossible task to call you Daddy. We can’t even see each other, and I have nothing to lose with these letters. In person, it might be different, but I don’t see it happening. Not when I’m here and you’re there.

Anyway, that was a rambling mess, and I guess the only thing I want to say is — want to give it a shot?

You took a chance in your letter, so I’m taking a chance in mine.

There’s nothing else interesting going on over here. You’re pretty much the highlight of my days now.

So yeah, I’ll leave it at that. This letter would only get more and more awkward if I keep going.

If your answer is no, then feel free to change the subject in your next letter. I only ask that you don’t stop writing. Don’t give up on me yet, please.

Your friend,

