Page 7 of Twisted Iron

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Talk?Sure. My shoulders tensed as I watched Amelia sit across from Devil. I didn’t believe these bikers were only here to talk.

Reaper paced the room, prowling closer as he circled the tables and chairs, constantly looking around the room. His gaze kept jumping from the windows to the door to the kitchen. I tried to ignore him, but he hissed at me when I moved a couple of stools away.

“What could I possibly have that belongs to a motorcycle club?”

Devil cleared his throat as if he wanted a drink. “You have a package. I believe Homer left it in your possession.”

Amelia startled. “A package?”

“Yes,” he replied impatiently. “It’s quite valuable. We need it returned immediately.”

Amelia’s eyes blinked rapidly. “I don’t know what package you think Homer gave me. I haven’t seen him in months.”

Raiden tsked, shaking his head.

Cowboy pulled out a cigarette, lit the end, and took a long drag. “Not smart to lie.”

Reaper moved closer to Devil.

“Then you owe the club a debt.”

Amelia sat back against her seat, disbelief visible on her face. “How much is this package worth? I can pay you.”

“No!” Devil snarled. “It’s priceless.”

“I don’t know what to give you!”

“Then you pay the debt back to the club how we see fit.” His head ticked toward the scary one, and Reaper lunged inmy direction, tugging me into his arms. “We’ll take the girl as collateral. When your memory returns, call me.”

Um, what!?

Amelia rushed to her feet, her voice panicked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” The high-pitched tone made me wonder if she lied. “You can’t take Henny!”

“We can do whatever the fuck we want,” Raiden announced.

Reaper chuckled. The deep, menacing tone vibrated in my chest, uncurling with dark promise.

“Henny.” Amelia’s voice sounded strained.

“I’ll be okay. I promise.” A stupid thing to say since I couldn’t guarantee shit. All I knew was that I wouldn’t risk these bikers harming Amelia or Josie.

Devil rose to his feet, heading toward the exit. His features twisted into a scowl, and he pushed open the swinging doors. Reaper shoved me in front of him, not allowing a chance for me to say another word. Behind us, Cowboy and Raiden followed.

Outside, I nearly fought Reaper’s grasp but decided to wait as I spotted the four motorcycles parked in a row.

Hiding the tremble in my hands, I clenched them tight against my hips, trying not to think about what would happen in the hours looming ahead.

“You still got that rope, Reaper?” Devil asked.

A silent nod followed from my captor.

“Tie her up.”

Reaper’s lips twitched with a dark grin, not bothering to suppress the enjoyment he received with the order.


There was no point in running. I’d never get far and that didn’t help Amelia or Josie. No, I had to see this through. Heaving a deep breath, I sighed.
