Page 19 of A Game Of Choice

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My fists clench, nostrils flaring, and anger fills me as I watch her wrap her arms around Bishop’s neck. “My hero,” she mumbles, closing her eyes. “Yeah, I’m tired and I don’t feel so good. I wanna go home.”

I follow after them as Bishop leads us outside. “Bring her to my car,” I tell him, taking a few steps in front of them.

“No. I don’t want him to bring me home. Ship, you bring me home,” she slurs.

I stop and look back, jaw tense. “I’ll meet you there,” he tells me, and I want to tell him fuck no. To demand he hand her over to me.

But the way she’s looking at me, it’s a fucking punch to the gut. I’ve never seen such disdain from her in my life. I knew she was pissed with how I’ve been acting, but does she really hate me?

She should. You just let some chick suck you off while you thought of her. And I fucking hate myself for it.

“Fine,” I grind out, jogging to my car. I don’t leave until I see Bishop’s Jeep pulling out.

“I GOT HER.” I OPEN the passenger door to the Jeep.

“Go away,” she grumbles. Her eyes are closed, her head resting against the seat.

“Come on, Lilly. Please don’t be like this,” I sigh.

“I don’t like you,” she slurs. “You’re mean.”

“I’m not being mean right now. I just want to help you. To get you to bed safely.”

“Ha.” She laughs, her head rolling to the side. Her eyes crack open just a little bit so that she can see me. “You didn’t seem to care much about me the past two years, so why do you care now?”

My heart clenches. “I’ve been an asshole, okay. I’m sorry, but right now is not the time to kiss and make up.”

Her brows jump. “Kiss?”

My brows furrow. “Not what I meant.” I don’t give her time to argue anymore as I reach over and unclip her seatbelt.

“Wrap your arms around me,” I tell her as I scoop her up into my arms. She’s light and fits easily in my arms.

She snuggles into me, putting her face in the crook of my neck. “Mmmhmm. You smell good.” She runs her nose along my neck. Goosebumps break out all over and my cock twitches. Fucking hell, now is not the time for that.

“Thanks,” I grunt. And damn it, she smells good too. She smells like my Lilly. Warm vanilla and sugar.

“You got this? I’m going to make sure Bee is okay. You know how she can get when she’s drunk too much. Probably fighting with Jonas if she’s not puking her guts out.”

I nod my head. I don’t want his help. I’ve always protected Lilly, and I’m perfectly capable of doing it now. Unlike the last two years.

By the time we get to the elevators, Lilly is asleep in my arms. On the ride up, I watch her. The way her long blonde lashes fan across her cheeks, down to the freckles scattered over her nose and under her eyes. Her lips are plump and pink, and I’ve dreamt of kissing them so many times.

The elevator doors open, and I’m walking down the hall toward her dorm when she starts to wiggle.

“Toby. Bathroom. Now.” She slaps a hand over her mouth. Fuck. I rush us two doors down to the communal bathroom, pushing the door open with my foot. “Put me down!” She demands, and I do. She takes off running to the first stall and a second later, sounds of her puking fill the bathroom.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. This two year streak of keeping my distance? Yeah, that’s breaking tonight, because there's no way I can’t take care of her tonight. I’d be too worried about her and wouldn't be able to sleep knowing she's like this.

She’s pissed at me right now, but I don’t care. I go into the stall, and the sight of her like this hurts to see.

“Go away,” she moans as I gather her hair up and hold it back for her.

“Nope.” I kneel beside her and rub her back with my other hand.

“Why?” Her forehead is resting on her arm, which is slung along the toilet seat. Poor girl looks rough. I still think she’s the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever laid eyes on, though.

“Because I care about you, and I’m not going to just leave you here when you're sick and drunk.”
