Page 49 of Scarlett

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“If I didn’t bend over, it would have gone right through my skull,” I sob, burying my face in Alistair’s chest.

“Shhh,” Alistair soothes. “You're safe now, Cupcake. Fuck, baby, I’m so sorry. I should have been with you at all times.”

“I shouldn’t have fucking let Bonnie take you away from me,” Emerson growls. “Damn it!”

“I’m sorry, I left the group. I needed to pee, and they were all really horrible people.”

“It’s okay, Little Star. It’s okay.” Emerson steps up behind me, running his hands up and down my arms as I cry. I can't believe I could have died. I knew this life was dangerous, but nothing like a dose of reality to make you see just how much.

“Who do you think would have targeted Scarlett?” Alistair asks.

“Could be a number of people,” Emerson mumbles. “I know we have a list of enemies a mile long. But whoever fucking did this, they are dead. They just declared war on the Rossi family. No one puts a hit out on my wife and baby and thinks they can live. No fucking way.”

“I love you,” I whisper. “Both of you. I love you both so much.” Now is not the best time, but it also is because I could have died tonight and I need them to know how much they mean to me.

“Fuck, Little Star.” Emerson kisses Alistair and then turns his face to press a heated kiss to my lips.

“Cupcake, you’ve given me so much hope, so much happiness. I love you so damn much it hurts. But the good kind of hurt. I can’t imagine my life without you.” Alistair looks up at Emerson. “The both of you.”

“I owe the universe big time.” I laugh, tears still falling. “You picked my number and changed our future.”

“A future, I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure we have. Everything is going to be okay, Little Star. I’ll make sure of it.”

I hope so. I really do. Because the idea of losing one of them, or our baby? Yeah, that can’t happen. I won’t let it.



Alistair and I flank Scarlett, our eyes scanning the surroundings, as we hurry outside to the waiting limousine. I don’t know who just tried to put a bullet in my wife’s head, but I will find out. And when I do, they’ll pray it’s just a bullet they get.

Thank fucking god for her bending down in the nick of time. Otherwise I’d be a widower and my child would be gone too. How dare someone try to take my fucking heir? My blood. The possibility that the baby might be Alistair's doesn't concern me. Bambino is mine.

When we reach the limo, I yank open the door, positioning myself as a sentinel while Scarlett slides inside, with Alistair right behind her. After climbing in behind them, I slam the door shut, sealing us inside the vehicle. “Drive now!”

Gus, having been my driver for a few years now, knows shit must have hit the fan from my curt tone of voice. With a sudden jolt, he slams his foot on the gas pedal, lurching the limo onto the road. “Where to, sir?”

“Home. And Gus, tomorrow I want you to park this piece of shit and drive my SUV. It’s armored and easier to maneuver. From now on, you will exclusively drive the three of us in that vehicle. Are we clear?”

“Yes, sir,” he replies, his voice filled with respect. “I’ll clean this out tonight and get the Expedition ready for the morning.”

“Thank you.” I roll the partition up, giving us our privacy once more.

I can feel Alistair's gaze on me, his brow slightly raised in question. “Don't start,” I warn, my voice filled with a mix of frustration and exhaustion. “I’ve been meaning to switch back to the SUV, but I enjoyed making it known who Little Star belongs to when you went to the campus.”

Scarlett is shaking, cuddled into Alistair’s side. “Come here,” I beckon her. She looks at me but doesn’t move. “Little Star, come here.” Still nothing. “Scarlett!”

She jumps but moves from Alistair over to me, and I pull her into my lap, running my hands over her body wherever I can. “You sure you’re okay? No pain anywhere. Nothing wrong with Bambino?”

“A little shaken, but I’m fine. So is the baby. Emerson, if I didn’t bend to scratch my fucking leg, I’d be dead. My baby would be dead. Oh, God. I’m gonna be sick.” She lunges from my lap as I hurry to grab the small trash can from under the wet bar and hold it for her while she pukes.

As she empties her stomach, I use one hand to gently rub her back in comfort. “Shh, Little Wife. We’re going to find out who did this. I promise you.”

Her hand trembles as she wipes her mouth clean, and an uncontrollable sob bursts from her throat. “It’s my fault.”

“No, it’s not, Cupcake. Marrying into the Rossi family is dangerous, and we thought we had things under control since it’s been a smooth transition so far. Obviously, we were wrong. We won’t make that mistake again,” Alistair assures her.

“You don’t understand.” Her cries intensify as she utters, “I knew,” her words filled with despair.
