Page 61 of Scarlett

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“Hand me the baby,” Carmella demands. Is this the Carmella that Emerson was supposed to marry? I didn’t think she would be this young. But I guess in this world, your life is signed over to another before you're even born. Not with Lucy, no, she will marry the person she loves. I’d never force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do.

“I’m sorry Miss. Please. Please don’t kill me,” the man blubbers.

“Give. Me. The. Baby,” she commands again. The man hands my screaming daughter over to this woman. I should be screaming at her not to touch my baby. But I don’t think she’s going to harm her. Not the way she looks down and smiles at Lucy. “Shh. Everything is fine now Bambolotta. Let’s get you to your mommy.”

The man stands there, fumbling, as Carmella brings my daughter over to me. She looks over to Alistair. “You do not kill Alejandro. We need him for answers on bigger things. You can shoot him somewhere that’ll teach him a lesson.” Her eyes flick over to Emerson. “However, you can kill your man and as an apology, I will clean up the mess.”

“Emerson, wait, don–” Rueben doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence. Emerson shoots him right between the eyes, while Alistair shoots the other man in his leg. He drops to the ground in a fit of screams.

“Here you go.” Carmella hands over Lucy and I take her eagerly.

“Oh baby, my little Lucy. Mama’s here. Shhh.” I try to hush my screaming baby. Not even thinking about it, I pull my shirt up and get her to latch on. She eagerly latches and starts gulping down milk. I’m shaking and crying but there's a smile on my face because my baby girl is back in my arms where she belongs.

“Thank you.” I look up at Carmella.

“I did nothing. I just wanted to make sure she was out of harm's way before anything was done.” She looks over to Emerson. “We have things to discuss.”

Emerson nods. “I think we do. Alistair, bring Scarlett and Luciana back to the house. I’ll join you soon.”

Not letting my baby go, I get into the car. Emerson stands in the door and bends down. He kisses our baby girl who's still drinking her little heart out on the cheek. “I love you, my sweet baby. Daddy is so glad you're home. I won’t ever let anything happen to you again.” He looks up at me and cups my cheek. “I’m so proud of you, Little Star. You were so strong and brave.”

I give him a watery smile and nod. He kisses me like he’s going off to war and closes the door.

When we get home, I go right to our bedroom and change Lucy. I want to be pissed at the fact that they let her go hungry and sit in a soiled diaper, but I’m glad they didn’t touch my daughter like that.

Once she’s all cleaned up, in new clothes, and swaddled in her blanket, I sit on the bed with her. Alistair joins me. He’s been really quiet since we got her back.

“Here.” I hand her over to him. It’s hard, really fucking hard to let go of her right now but he needs this.

As soon as Alistair takes Lucy, he lets out a choked sob. “I’m so sorry, sweet girl.” He peppers kisses all over her face. “I’m so sorry we didn’t protect you.”

“Hey,” I say in a soft voice. “No beating ourselves up over this. We have her back and she's safe. That's all that matters.” I know my words won’t change how he feels but I need him to know anyway.

“I love you, Scarlett. Thank you for being mine, for being Emerson’s, and thank you for giving us the best gift. She’s our world, and so are you. We would die if anything happened to you.”

“I love you so fucking much.” And I do, so much it makes my heart burst. “I feel the same way about the two of you and her.” I kiss his lips softly. “I need to shower, wash this blood off of me. Will you sit in there with her? I’ll be fast.”

“Of course, Cupcake. No rush, you take as long as you want. We’ll sit in there for every shower until she’s eighteen if you want.” He smiles at me and I giggle, swatting at his arm. I won’t need her to be in there forever but for awhile. The thought of stepping into the bathroom without her has my stomach rolling.

True to his word Alistair sits on the toilet, bouncing and talking to Luciana while I take a quick shower. I get out and dry off the best I can before throwing on some sweats and a tank top. My body is still a bit damp but I don’t care. I want my baby in my arms again.

Taking Lucy from her daddy, I head back into our room and lie down in the bed just staring at Lucy. Alistair's climbs in behind me and then we cuddle, both of us soaking up our little ray of light.

It feels like hours before Emerson comes in.

“What happened?” Alistair asks.

“Not really sure. But Carmella suspected that something big was going on under her nose. She thinks it's trafficking. She’s getting answers from the creep who tried to take our baby. She will let me know when he speaks.”

“So that's it? Are we safe?” I ask, knowing we will never truly be safe, not in this line of work.

“While we don’t have any confirmation, I think it’s safe to say Rueben was the one who tried to take you out at the gala. And because he didn’t succeed, he waited until he had another chance. I don’t think he wanted to kill you. But to kill her.” His eyes drop to our daughter, who’s feeding. “Is she okay?”

“She’s perfect.” I smile down at her, rubbing her fuzzy little cheek.

Emerson, who’s still covered in blood, goes to shower and change before joining us in the bed.

We all cuddle up together, our attention strictly on Lucy.

For now, everything is right in the world. I don’t know what's going to happen with Emerson’s father gone, but I’m guessing he will take his rightful place as the head of the family.

With him in charge, we will be unstoppable.

Who knew just a year ago when I was destined to be sold off to a strange man, no control over my life, that I would end up getting everything I’ve ever wished for.

This isn’t how I saw my life turning out, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Emerson, Alistair and our daughter are my reasons for living. And I pity anyone who tries to cause harm to one of us. It’s not just my men they have to worry about now.

I am meant to be a mafia queen and I think it’s time to take my rightful place on the throne.
