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“Would you like a glass of paquir? I believe I have some around here.”

“Oh, it’s really not necessary. I’m enjoying the food just fine. The stew is very good, there’s a taste to it that I’ve never had before.”

“Probably the tiny bit of frisse I had them put in it.”


“So the paquir, do you want some?”

“If you have it, I’ll take a glass,” I say, only because I feel like I have to.

He gets up, leaving the room and returning only a moment later with a small bottle and a glass. He pours me some of the paquir and hands me the glass.

“Thank you,” I say, offering him a small smile.

As I take my first sip, we make eye contact, and I have to quickly look away again at the intensity of his gaze.

It’s not that he makes me uncomfortable, it’s just that, well, it’s not like he’s unattractive. In another life, I might even look his way.

As I sip the wine, I feel myself becoming more comfortable. Whether that’s from the paquir or the oddly civil dinner we’re having, I don’t know. Probably the former.

I have to say, if I were going to have to do this with anyone, I’m glad it’s him. He doesn’t seem like the worst, although I guess I can’t possibly know that yet. Who knows what kind of freaky things this guy is into? I’ve heard rumors about the kind of things naga like.

“Okay, enough pleasantries. You know the deal. Put your collar and leash back on,” he says.

Selliss stands up, crosses the room, and grabs the two pieces of rope from before, tossing them at my feet. He crosses his arms, looking at me expectantly.

I swallow hard and force myself to stand up. My hand is shaking a little as I bend down and grab the ropes. I put them on as slowly as possible, trying to prolong the inevitable.

It’s not that I’m disgusted by him or anything – he’s obviously very sexy, and this could be a lot worse. That doesn’t make this any easier.

Once the leash and collar are on, he approaches, circling slowly around me.

“Take off your clothes.”

I do as he says, going slowly again, but this time not because I’m nervous. I do it because I know he expects something out of me, and if I do terribly, he might choose to have them bring a different girl. Then who knows who they’ll stick me with after that?

Or worse, if I’m not good enough for the captain, maybe they’ll figure no one else will want me and just kill me instead. So I take my time, making a show out of it.

“You have experience?” he asks once my clothes are off.

“Not much, master.” I blink up at him through my eyelashes.

He smirks as he takes in my naked body for the second time this week. Taking his time on my breasts, he glances from one to the other, before trailing his eyes down the rest of me.

Reaching out with one hand, he touches one of my nipples with his thumb, scraping me a bit with his claw. I shiver at the touch, and this seems to knock him out of some kind of trance.

“Go to the bed and wait,” he says abruptly, stepping back.

I do as he says.



Maya is nervous. And hungry. Perhaps they don't feed the slaves as much as they should. I shrug this thought off. That matters very little to me if they're eating enough.

What matters to me is sinking my cocks inside her holes. I'm eagerly anticipating this rut session. By the time she takes her last bite, my cocks are hard.
