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“I don’t care what the King said, you promised!”

Now I’m the one growling at her. Where’s the submissiveness she usually shows me? She should’ve just accepted it and continued to pleasure me.

“Who do you think you’re speaking to?”



Is it possible I’ve had too much wine? Could it be that I’ve been holed up in here for far too long? Or maybe it’s just that I’ve been pulled on a string like a puppet for far too long.

Whatever the cause, I cannot believe that I’ve just let loose at Selliss. I blink and quickly rub my eyes just to make sure I’m not dreaming. Sure enough, he’s still standing there in front of me, looking as surprised as I am.

This can be added to the list of things done by a human for the first time in Yadat.

“I have been kept locked up in this stupid room for… gods know how long, I can’t even remember off the top of my head, and I bet you don’t either! To you, I’m nothing but another book on your shelf, making empty promises to finally do something with me while all I do is collect dust until I’m forgotten about.”

“Hold on a moment,” Selliss remarks, raising a palm. “Not only is that an unfair accusation but a false one, too. We both know I’ve taken you outside of this room.”

“Oh, yes, how could I forget that one occasion where you actually remembered there was a world out there for me to see? How silly of the stupid human woman, right?”

Selliss reels back. He clearly never expected me to blow up and neither did I, but I can’t stop myself from spilling out all of my frustrations.

At this moment, I don’t care what awaits me if there’s a punishment coming for me. All that matters is that Selliss knows what he’s done. I am not giving up without a fight.

“I’m confined to this fucking cage of a room,” I blurt, gesturing to the space surrounding us. “I guess I really am nothing more than your prisoner.”

“You… you’ve never spoken to me in such a manner before, Maya,” the traitor says. He almost sounds hurt, which only makes me angrier.

“Yeah, I haven’t, and do you know why? Because all you’ve ever heard me say is ‘yes’ and have me roll over and spread my legs, all so you could get off. I cannot believe just how long I’ve let myself be subjected to this kind of treatment for you, do I really deserve anything close to a dignified life?”

“What the fuck do you want from me?”

I shove a vase off the nearest table, watching it shatter just like my hope for a better future, each shard a piece of my broken heart.

“I want you to listen to me!” I yell. “And to stop thinking of yourself, just for once!”

“You’re kidding,” he says. “I have done nothing but think of your welfare. You really have no clue, do you?”

“Oh, yeah, because betraying me and leaving me fearing for my life is just such a heroic display of your concern for me. When Kriseri ordered you to leave me behind, I bet you didn’t even consider what would happen to me.”

“Actually, I did, so don’t go spitting out accusations left and right when you weren’t even there!” Selliss retorts.

“Is that so? Well then, did you voice anything on my behalf?”

Selliss reels back, waving his hands dismissively at me.

“I knew it,” I hiss through clenched teeth. “Who knows if I’ll even live past the day you depart? I don’t know what to say to you anymore… Do you know what the worst part is?”

He peers up at me, his face ridden with guilt as it should be.

“Your… your company is the only thing that has kept me going these past few weeks. There were times I considered jumping out the damn window to end it all, but in those moments of darkness, you were the sunshine that made things clear for me.”


“All this time, I’ve been so damn good to you, obeying your every whim, yet after all of my efforts, this is what I get in return. Tell me something, Selliss, is this really all you think I’m good for? Just to sit and await my next command, all day, every day?”

