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“You’ll see when we get there.”

“Are we going to eat breakfast?”

He turns to look at me, concern written on his face.

“Are you hungry?”

“A little. I can wait until we get to our destination though.”

“Nonsense. We still have a good way to go still, and you need energy if you’re going to be walking all day. We’ll find something.”


The two of us set off to find any edible plants or berries. After about thirty minutes of searching, we stop under a tree and sit down to look at our finds.

“Did you get anything good?” Selliss asks.

“Some tizrets, you?”

“I got a handful of tiphe tree nuts.”

“Wow, that’s all?”

“It’ll have to do. Better than nothing,” he says.

“You’re right. I should be grateful.”

“No, I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’d much rather be having thison stew right now. Be as ungrateful as you want, but we still have to eat this shit,” he jokes.

I laugh, taking some of the nuts from him and handing him a tizret.

“I’ve never been a fan of tizrets. It’s hard to know when they’re ripe, and if you eat one that’s not ripe enough yet, they’re super tart. Plus the skin is so annoying to peel off.”

“Here, give me yours. I’ll get the skin off for you,” he says, taking my fruit.

“Thanks.” I smile at him.

At least things aren’t awkward right now. I couldn’t handle another minute of that awkward silence after I told him I loved him.

I don’t regret saying it though. I refuse to die with any secrets.

“Here.” He hands it back to me.

I bite into it, testing its ripeness.

“Perfect.” I nod.

“I can’t say the same for my own,” he says, scrunching up his nose.

I laugh because it might be the most human expression I’ve ever seen him make. It’s adorable.

“What the fuck are you laughing at?”

“Nothing! Nothing, I’m sorry,” I reply, hiding a giggle.

He shakes his head at me, but I can see one corner of his mouth fighting to turn up into a smile.

A few moments later, we’ve eaten our food and continue our journey.
