Page 12 of Gunner's War

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“You think them’s real wolves?” Mr. Dewalt asked.

“I don’t know.” She wished she could find out, but couldn’t come up with an excuse she could use to convince her commanding officer to allow her to keep the pups on base and test them.”

“How can you find out?” Gunner asked. He paid attention to the pups and to Oakley. She looked at them with more than curiosity. He suspected she was trying to figure out how to keep them. She had that look every time one of the pups would yip or lick her.

“If I had access, I could take blood samples and have them tested for genetic markers to determine if they’re hybrids, or full bloods.”

“If you had to guess, what would your guess be?” Riggs asked.

“I don’t like to speculate and…” she stopped talking as one of the pups climbed onto her leg and then down into the triangle of space between her legs, resting its head on her leg. When she extended her fingers toward it, it rubbed its head and snoot against her palm.

The look that came on her face told a story. One that Gunner saw. When Riggs looked at him, Gunner realized Riggs spotted it as well. Oakley was already hooked on the pups. By the time he looked back at her, the other pup was curled in her lap, happily sucking, and gnawing on one of her fingers.

“Looks like they’ve taken a shine to you,” Mr. Dewalt commented. “So, you want ‘em? I can’t keep ‘em. They’d spook the stock and the horses, and sure as shit, somebody’d come along and shoot ‘em.”

“I do want them,” she replied without turning her gaze from the pups. “But I report back for duty on Monday, and there’s no way I can keep them at the base.”

“Then keep them at Sanctuary,” Riggs said.

“Sanctuary?” She looked up at him. “The rehab center?”

“And adjunct training facility,” Riggs added. “I was talking with Mason and Grady, and they’re looking to expand what they have to offer. Georgie and I want to throw in with them. She’s a renowned therapist and top of the line in working with amputees. I reckon I could be a decent trainer and help soldiers get back in shape. Anyway, I plan on putting in most of my inheritance on it, and Naomie is donating a mountain of money.”

“And how do the pups factor in?”

“Right now, they’re just an enticement.”

“Excuse me?” She gave him a curious look. “For what?”

Gunner almost grinned. Riggs knew how to maneuver, that was for sure. He was steering her right toward something she appeared to want. Those pups and a way to have them. He was curious of the “how” in Riggs’ plan.

“In getting you to agree to come on board and start your own training program. Not just combat animals, but protection and emotional support. There’s a big need, and from what I hear, you’re the best.”

“I’ve been through this already with Grady and Charlie. I can’t.”

“Why not?” Riggs asked. “Mason and Grady are as eager as I to get the program started, and if we can choose someone to head it up, we’d choose you.”

“But I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because my twenty isn’t up for another two months and I can’t afford to retire early. Also, what would be the point, since you haven’t even broken ground? Not to mention there are a lot of world-class trainers you could get.”

“Well, what if we could convince the brass to loan you to us until your time is up?”

“Good luck on that,” Oakley chuckled, and lifted one of the pups in both hands. She held it in front of her face, letting it sniff her. When it tried to lick her in the mouth, she smiled and lowered it to her neck, where it happily lapped and wiggled. “It’ll take more than a polite ask.”

“Like being the hero nephew of the President, and having the backing of men and women who’ve earned the respect of the military and the nation?” Gunner asked, and when she looked at him, he continued. “Sanctuary has already earned a name for itself and has the support of the brass in every branch of service. You might be surprised what they and Riggs’ family can accomplish.”

“Seriously?” she directed her question to Riggs.

“Seriously. If I can make it happen, will you do it?”


“Then we better get back,” he responded and looked at Mr. Dewalt. “For now, we can take them to the ranch.”

“Works for me. I appreciate you taking care of it.”
