Page 15 of Gunner's War

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“Got it. And how long before we can expect results?”

“If we had to send them off, a couple of weeks. But we can do it here in under forty-eight hours.”

“So, I’d know before I leave on Monday morning?”

“That’s the plan,” Naomie talked as she worked. “I’ll prepare a set of slides, and you do the same. I always opt for redundant results to make sure I haven’t screwed up.”

“Same here,” Oakley cut a look at the pups to see them playing together, then got to work. “You said you wanted to talk to me about something?”

“Yes. Have you ever heard of Blackstone Security?”

Oakley looked up, trying to remember where she’d heard the name. Then it came to her. “Yes. General Michael Wilson signed on with them when he retired. I attended his send off and his speech stuck with me ever since. That man is a real American hero.”

“Yes, he is. And it took a special organization to tempt him to work for them. They employ veterans and attract people who have not yet considered retirement. The organization is impressive. But for us, what is important is that the owner Clayton Blackstone is interested in partnering with Sanctuary in their training program.”

“Clayton was excited to hear about the possible canine training center and made Grady and Mason an offer. He’ll buy the necessary land, fund the build and start-up costs, and in exchange, Blackstone personnel go through training at Sanctuary, including learning to work with canines.”

Oakley paused in what she was doing, stunned by the news. “You people are serious about this, aren’t you?”

“We are.”



“Why? Why is it so important?”

“Because Riggs is important to this family, and giving back to a nation he feels gave to him is important to him. He and Georgie have already committed to Sanctuary. She’s working with the people who come for rehab, and thanks to some generous donors, we’re building a new wing, specifically for amputees. The people with Bio Now in Massachusetts are committing people to the team, as well.”

“But why canines? Military trained dogs are combat ready soldiers, and the military already has a top-notch training facility.”

“But they don’t have the funding we do. And here we can train more than combat canines. We can train for protection and also for support. There are many vets whoneed that. Animals trained to detect seizures and things of that nature. Think of the good we can do, Oakley.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt it. But the cost of training an animal is enormous. What vet can afford without military funding?”

“The ones who come here.” Naomie paused to face Oakley. “I don’t tell this to many people, but I have a lot of money.”

“Define a lot.”

“Let’s just say I’ve hit the Forbes list every year since I was thirty. I couldn’t spend what I have now in many lifetimes. And my patents make me millions each year. So, I can fund it without hesitation, and I will. Russ and Riggs and the President are investing, along with Clayton Blackstone and some others who I am not at liberty to name. But the point is, we can make it happen, we can make it the premier facility in the country.”

“And you’re telling me because…?”

“Because we want you. I’ve learned all I can about you, and one thing I keep hearing over and over is that you have the ability to communicate with the dogs in a way no one else can, that you have a special affinity with them.”

Naomie returned to her task. “I think I may know why, but I’m not ready to commit to my hunch just yet.”

“And you will be when?”

“Right after you answer this question. Why do you want to train wolves?”

Oakley hadn’t anticipated that question, but something about Naomie inspired honesty, so she answered truthfully. “I’m guessing it’s obvious that I’m not white. I mean, there is Caucasian blood in mygenetics, but primarily I’m Native. I grew up on a reservation in Wyoming.

“What I suspect you already know is that one of the first things my people, the people of the First Nations, learned from wolves was how to work as a single efficient unit. Many species of animals don’t have a lasting blond with their mates or offspring. That’s not the case with wolves.

“Typically we hear things about the desirable qualities wolves possess. Courage, honor, and resilience. But they’re far more than that. More than merely a symbol. Many of their behavioral traits have proven to be of scientific interest, most prominently and probably most recognizable, in how they work as a tight-knit and efficient group.”

“Ah, yes, the wolf-pack,” Naomie interjected.
