Page 17 of Gunner's War

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That sounded like a cause she could champion.

Chapter Six

It was near dusk when Oakley stepped outside Naomie’s lab, stretched, and looked around. Men were returning on horseback. She had no clue where they’d been, but since there were cattle dogs with them, she’d guess they were moving cows from one place to another.

One rider rose a foot higher than the others. That might be partially due to the size of the horse he rode, but most of it was due to the size of the rider. Oakley grinned as Gunner looked her way. Damn if that SEAL didn’t sit a horse well. That added another pellet of fuel to the lust-o-meter.

He walked his horse over and stopped in front of her. “Did you get your answer?”

“Soon, which is amazing. If I had to send the samples to a lab, it would have taken two weeks.”

“Naomie makes things happen.”

“No kidding. I figured it would be later, so was about to ask for the loan of a truck or a ride. I need to go over and get my things from Charli’s. I was hoping you’d let me get cleaned up at your place.”

“You’re gonna leave the pups alone?”

“It depends.”

“Really? Whether they’re full blooded makes the difference in the care you give them?”

His question made her feel ashamed. Not because that was her intent, but because he would reach that conclusion. What had given him the impression she would do that. “No. But it makes a difference whether I get to eat barbecue and dance with you at the Honky Tonk. I can’t do both.”

“Why not?”

“I doubt they allow animals, and if I can’t leave them…”

“Then we bring the food and the music to you.”

“We do?”

“Sure, why not? How long before the results are in?”

“A couple of hours at least.

“Then let me take care of my horse, and I’ll run you over to Grady’s. We can call in an order from the Honky Tonk and pick it up on the way back.”

“That’d be awesome,” she agreed, thinking how often he displayed kindness to the people around him. Gunner was often quiet and could appear standoffish, but she’d learned that he was actually very personable, and only quiet because he didn’t see the need for idle chatter. “Can the pups ride with us?”

“Don’t see why not. Give me twenty minutes.”

“Meet me here?”


“Thanks, Gunner.”

He smiled and turned his horse, heading for the stable. Oakley watched him leave, then headed back into the lab.

A quick check told her that wishing the results were done wasn’t going to speed things up. Naomie estimated three hours when she left an hour ago. Oakley could be a patient woman, but this wait was driving her up a wall.

Cool your jets, she scolded herself. If anyone knew the value of patience, it was a trainer. Her success depended upon it. Training took time, patience, repetition, and focus, among other things. But patience was high on the list.

A couple more hours of wait could seem like an eternity if she were just sitting and waiting. Getting to ride with Gunner to pick up her things and dinner provided a break and gave her a chance to spend time with him, which definitely held appeal.

Twenty-five minutes later, she and the dogs were in the front seat of a double cab Heritage Ranch truck, headed for Grady’s. The pups surprised her. Not with their curiosity. She’d expected that. But with the way they and Gunner interacted.

The pups loved him, and he was kind towards them. But when they got too rowdy, or wanted to get into the floorboard under his feet, he ordered them to behave. They apparently responded to his alpha vibe and followed orders.
