Page 35 of Gunner's War

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“That was Oakley’s first pet.”

“And look at her now,” Clayton remarked. “I think she knows their hearts.”

“So do I.”

“And I want to hear more about her vision on this training program. She must have a reason for wanting it bad enough to give up a successful military career. As young as she is, she could have climbed that rank ladder, you know.”

“I do. But Oakley walks her own path. And you’re right, she does have a reason, but I want you to hear it from her.”

He nodded. “What do you think Sadie will think of her?”

“You mean is she like Sadie?”

Clayton shrugged. “It seems like the women from these parts come equipped with far more than the rest of us, so naturally it makes me curious.”

Grace grinned and gave him a kiss. “Have I told you today that I love you?”

“You can’t tell me enough, beautiful.”

She smiled and stood. “I think I’ll see if they will let me join the dance. Want to join?”

He shook his head. “No, but please don’t let that stop you.”

“Thanks,” she gave him another kiss and took off across the yard, calling out to Oakley.

Clayton watched as Oakley spoke to the wolves, and then they ran to meet Grace, greeting her like an old friend, leaping and yipping, circling her as she twirled around and danced.

He smiled at the sight, suddenly filled with certainty that Oakley and her wolves were going to be a catalyst for change. He had no clue what that change would be, but was a hundred percent confident it would become clear.

And he fully intended to help fund and protect her and the wolves from whatever might try to stop them, because no matter how you present it, people are afraid of wolves and what humans fear they seek to destroy.

He had no doubt. If the wolves were destroyed, it would break Oakley. Clayton couldn’t say why he believed that, only that he did. She and those wolves were linked in a way he didn’t understand, but could certainly see.

And as a person with no family left alive other than Grace and her son, Oakley deserved to have someone guarding her back.


Oakley held the pups at attention for a few extra seconds, then made the motion for them to be at ease.

They were, without question, the most remarkable creatures she’d ever worked with. At eight months, they were probably at 80% of full size. Considering they already stood twenty-eight inches at the shoulder and were both an inch shy of six feet from tail tip to nose, that meant it was likely they’d reach thirty inches or more.

At present, they weighed eighty pounds, at full maturity it was in the realm of possibility they could weigh in at well over one hundred and twenty pounds. If asked to guess, she’d say Ba'Cho would end up being heavier and Nashoba, taller.

Most people couldn’t tell them apart. Oakley had no problems with that. They were unique to her, but then she knew them, and it was the same with animals as people. Once you get to know someone, the way you view them is colored by your emotions—whether you like them.

Two sets of ears perked up a full three seconds before she heard the sound of the ATV. She turned her head and saw Judson Blackstone, Clay’s oldest son, headed toward her. That brought a smile to her face and the dogs as well.

To their credit, they stayed seated. Their expressions and the swish and thump of their tales revealed their excitement. Oakley smiled at the sight. Ba’Cho and Nashoba loved Judson, and going on runs with him.

At first, Oakley accompanied them, unsure whether they would obey Judson. She still had a secret fear that nature would overcome nurture and training, and they’d take off, never to be seen again.

So, far they’d proven themselves trustworthy.

“Mind if I take the boys for a run?”

“I’m sure they’d love that, wouldn’t you guys?” She signed as she spoke.

An answering yip from each had her bending over to give each one a caress on the back of his neck.
