Page 37 of Gunner's War

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Oakley wanted to say yes, she wanted to shout it. This place was perfect. They’d sent most of the cattle to the Montana ranch, leaving only about fifty cows and a dozen bulls. The horses were kept near the barn, while the barn used for vet services was near the foreman’s home, Jud’s, and Ivy’s now.

The guest house was normally occupied by Sadie and her spouse, Leo, but at present they were in Virginia, visiting people Leo worked with, an organization run by ex-FBI agents from the Behavioral Unit. They were due to return next week.

Oakley had been given a small cottage down by the lake, a good distance from the cattle and the horses. It was a nice place with the most beautiful view of the night sky she’d ever seen. She and the dogs sat out on the lake shore every evening, watching the stars appear. It was one of her favorite moments of the day.

And the most lonely, which it shouldn’t have been with the wolves lying on the ground at her feet. The truth was, she missed Gunner. Speaking with him once a month only added to that feeling. She wanted him to be part of Ba’Cho and Nashoba’s training and be accepted as part of their pack.

Now, it looked like that might not happen. Every time Gunner thought they might be sent home something else happened to keep them where they were. Oakley understood duty and knew Gunner would always honor his oath, but it was becoming clear that she couldn’t forget him or stop wanting him to be part of her life.

Was that going to be another disappointment in life? If so, it sure would be a tough one to overcome. Shewasn’t accustomed to feeling this way, and now that she did, she didn’t know how to stop.

“Oakley?” Grace’s voice snapped her back to the moment.

“Sorry. That’s incredibly generous, but I feel like I’m already a burden and don’t want to be more.”

“Don’t ever say that” Clay’s voice was uncustomarily harsh. “I apologize. But you need to know that you’re not a burden. What you’re attempting to do not only have merit but heart. You’re trying to save a noble breed from becoming extinct like so many other species of life. I not only support that, but admire it and as I told you, want to help. So, say yes, Oakley. You’re family. At least to us. Let us be that for you.”

That nearly brought tears to her eyes. No one had wanted to be family with her since her dad died. She’d been alone for so long she didn’t know what it felt like to be part of a family. Until she came here.

Now she had the chance to stay and something inside her wanted to scream yes before the offer was rescinded.

“I’d like that,” she replied and looked at Grace. “A lot.”

“Then it’s settled. We’ll help you get your things moved from the reservation and if you like the lake cottage,it’s yours.”

“Are you kidding, I love it. Thank you.”

“No need for thanks, but there is one condition,” Grace added.

Oakley’s heart sank. Normally conditions screwed things up, but she had to respect them by hearing what they wanted. “Which is?”

“That you consider taking on a partner in training.”

“I’d love to,” she quickly responded. “But the person I want isn’t available.”

“Well, there’s someone waiting at Vet Services to talk to you about that.”

“Now?”she asked.

“Yes. Do you want me to save your pie for later?”

Oakley looked from Grace to Clayton and at his smile, she pushed back in her chair. “Well, I reckon so. At Vet Services?”


“If Jud returns before I get back, would you ask him to bring the boys there?”

“You know I will.”

“Okay then, I guess I’ll see you after a while.”

“We’ll be right here,” Grace’s smile seemed somehow secretive, making Oakley wonder what she was going to find when she got to Vet Services. She almost wanted to back out. She’d love to have a partner, but not just anyone. She wanted Gunner.

And there was no guarantee that would ever happen, so she might as well pull up her big-girl panties and go meet whoever the person was Grace and Clay wanted her to work with.

She just hoped whoever it was, they loved the wolves. Otherwise, they were done before they started.

