Page 41 of Gunner's War

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“What is it?” he asked, astonished that she felt it as well.

“It feels like hope,” Oakley whispered.

“Yes.” He recognized the feeling. It did feel like hope. But also, something else, something he was not quite brave enough to name.

“And maybe more,” he added, hesitant to commit to, or ask for more.

Oakley smiled. “Yes. It definitely feels like it may be more.”

Her kiss confirmed her words, and for the moment, that was enough for Gunner. Combat soldiers know how to let go. You never know when your last breath has been taken, so you don’t let your moments of humor, comfort, or happiness slide by. You grab hold and enjoy them for as long as they last. And that was what he would do. All the way to the moment he had to step on a transport and do what was necessary to finalize his retirement, walk away from that life, and with luck into another.

With her.


Oakley hated feeling distracted. She’s received two emails and a voice mail from someone interested in cloning the wolves. She responded to the emails that she wasn’t interested and would direct further communication to her attorney.

This morning, a text appeared on her phone. She had no clue who it was from. The caller ID wasn’t available. The text instructed her to think carefully before she said no. It stated that it was in her best interest to accept the deal. So many bad things can happen to animals.

She didn’t want to admit it, but felt she knew who was making the offer and the not so veiled threats. Right now, what she’d like more than anything was to discuss it with Gunner. But he had to leave in a matter of days, and dumping this on him now would be unfair. She’d just have to pay attention and see what developed. Once Gunner was officially retired, she’d tell him everything.

Which left her with nothing to do right now, but stew on it. The sound of someone calling her name made her turn. She saw Ivy and let her eyes follow the direction Ivy was pointing.

The moment she spotted Gunner leaning on the gate rail, her heart seemed to thud in her chest. Actually, there were various physical reactions to the sight. She stood there and looked. How could you fall so crazy in love with someone you’ve spent so little time around? How was it possible to feel you know someone’s heart so well when your time together has been so short?

She thought of their phone conversations, things that were said and things left unsaid. Neither of them dared to step onto the path of ‘relationship, what if’ – what if we try this or that when you get back? What if, what if?

Oakley looked at the what ifs in terms of how to avoid injury, how to achieve an objective, and how to survive exiting the theatre. Those were the what if’s that dictated the potential success of any mission. She had the K9s trained with as much care as their human counterparts, perhaps more. They had to know how to follow orders without question, and how to lead when their handlers could no longer command.

Gunner understood that without her having to explain. He understood a lot when you got right down to it. His looks were deceptive. Big and mean. That’s probably a standard reaction when an opponent faced Gunner. But he was a lot more than courage and muscle. He was brilliant.

It shocked her to discover that he continued to take classes from online accredited institutions, and was not far from the time when he’d face writing a doctoral dissertation. You’d never know it by just being around him. More times than not, he was quiet. He spoke when he had something to say.

Or when he teased or poked fun, and he enjoyed that.

All these things she’d learned about him made her see beneath the big and mean, and into the heart. She’d never been so scared in her life. Falling in love was monumental. And terrifying.

Oakley reminded herself that putting energy into the negative only makes it stronger. So she purposelychanged her stream of thought. She recalled moments she and Gunner laughed or argued, the moments when he touched her and made her come apart, and the way he sometimes looked at her that took her breath.

What a miraculous thing. She saw him now, smiling at her as he leaned on the gate, both forearms propped on the rail. Oh, yeah, there it was, that hormone storm he could evoke in her. Call it chemistry or whatever you want, but she knew all the way down to her cells that Gunner Hale was her mate.

She couldn’t help wanting him. With newfound enthusiasm, she broke into a run.


Gunner opened the truck door for Oakley, waited for her to get in, then closed it and walked around the front of the vehicle to get in behind the wheel. He sat there for a moment, basically letting things sink in.

He felt her hand on his arm and turned his head to look at her. “Was this a mistake?” she asked.

“No,” he shook his head. “No, it was the smart move. It’s just…”

“Not what I thought was on the agenda for the day either,” she admitted. “But Clay is right. Ba’Cho and Nashoba have to be registered with someone as an owner or guardian. Like it or not, animals are considered property.”

“I think I see the need for that,” he agreed. “If you want a say on how the animal lives, then you have to claim legal. I just didn’t expect to have kids today.”

Oakley laughed and gave his thigh a squeeze. “I am grateful you said yes, Gun. I need to know that if something happens to me, they’ll be protected.”

“I’m honored you asked, but surprised you didn’t ask someone you’ve known longer or had more history with. Maybe Charli.”
