Page 45 of Gunner's War

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“And you realize that makes you sound like one of them,” he gestured toward the wolves.

She shrugged it off. “Hardly. But I wish I had their senses.”

“Then how do you explain it?”

“I don’t,” she replied and added. “And don’t give me that look. I don’t have an explanation and I’m notconcerned about it. I don’t sense any danger, but more importantly, neither do they.”

He glanced at the wolves, who were still as motionless as statues. “Are you concerned about their behavior?”


“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She patted her left leg, and when the wolves looked at her, she signed to them as she spoke. “Main house. No bark. No bite.”

They started walking, and Gunner fell in step with Oakley. “No bark, no bite?”

“It gets the message across.”

“I hope.”

“Trust me, Gunner. I’d never intentionally steer you wrong. There’s someone at the main lodge, someone I’d like you to meet. Will you come with me?”


Together, they and the wolves made their way to the main lodge. When they arrived, lights were on in the kitchen, family room, and on the back porch. The sounds of voices filtered in, making the wolves’ ears prick up.

Oakley stopped at the front steps. “Listen, before I introduce you, there’s something you need to know. Sadie and her mate, Leo, are – well, they’re not typical, I suppose is the best way to say it. She has –powers, paranormal, psychic, whatever you want to call it. Sadie is different. So is Leo.

“Both of them believe they have Fae blood and were parented by Fae, who were exiled here when the door between worlds was magically closed.”

“And you believe that?”

“Let’s just say I’m keeping an open mind. But Grace and Clay believe, so that lends some weight, I guess.”

“Enough to have you buy into that tale?”

“Enough to have me be quiet and listen. Look, I know it seems nuts. Sometimes I think I took a dive off the dock of reality when these wolves came to us, but I’m not going to say it’s impossible. I’m just listening and learning. Besides, they both have contacts that might be of benefit.”

“That’s good enough for me. I don’t care what people believe. All that matters is how they conduct themselves and treat others.”

Oakley stopped, threw her arms around him, and kissed him. “You really are my hero, Gunner Hale. The one I dreamed of but never believed could be real.”

“That’s one hell of a compliment, hot stuff, but I’m far from a hero.”

“No, Gunner,” she looked up at him, and when their eyes met, she whispered. “You’re mine.”

“Then I’m a lucky man.”

The yip Nashoba gave, followed by an answering yip from Ba’Cho made them both smile. “Yes, we’re double lucky to have you,” Oakley said. “Now, let's say hello before we get busy feeding these guys and getting clean.”

“Hmmm,” he pulled her in close and nuzzled her neck. “Getting clean sounds like fun.”

“Doesn’t it?” She gave in to the nuzzle and then the kiss that had her libido singing. “You know we could visit in the morning. I’ll call and ask if that will be okay.”

“Works for me.”

Oakley pulled out her phone and made the call. It didn’t take long. “Grace said that’s fine. So, come on, let’s head home.”
