Page 60 of Gunner's War

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“Oakley Rising Wolf – the wolf rises in the meadow of oaks. Look around you Oakley. A circle of oaks.”

“There are other trees, too.”

“Yes but look closer. The oaks dominate here. It is in their shadow life seeks respite in the heat, it is at their base, in the shelter of their branches life gathers for shelter from storms. The oaks protect.”

“In a meadow of oaks,” Oakley whispered. “But what does it mean, really?”

“It means it’s your time, Oakley. Time to rise and claim your destiny.”

Oakley’s thoughts immediately turned to Gunner. Was it her fate to have to walk away from him? She didn’t think she could do that any easier than she could walk away from the wolves.

“Every alpha needs a mate, Oakley.”

Sadie’s voice sounded further away, prompting Oakley to look her way. Sadie and Eliana were fading from view, both smiling.

And in the next moment, Oakley woke to find the wolves sitting there, watching, and waiting. She looked at the sky. Soon it would be dawn, and time to start another day. The only thing different about today was the dream.

What the heck did it mean? Maybe nothing. Maybe her mind was just conjuring up anything it could to comfort or strengthen her. Whatever the case, she had a mission, and since she was awake, she might as well get up and get to it.

Get to it.That thought evoked an image. Gunner. If she could have anything right now, he’d be here with her. The need for him to be there was so strong it shocked her. She’d never needed anyone for safety, security or reassurance, so why was Gunner being with her so vital?

To her great surprise, the wolves looked at her at the exact same moment, and she realized they knew the answer as well as she. It was no longer a possibility, something to explore or think about. Gunner had taken her heart.

Oakley might have pondered that had there not been an interruption to the quiet. Gunshots. But fromwhere? She followed the direction the wolves looked. Whoever it was, if they had a gun, they were a danger to the wolves. Which meant it was time to pick up the pace and find a safe perch to hunker down and observe for a while to see if there were more shots and whether there were people trying to track her.


The sun had yet to crest the horizon when Clay met up with Jed at the barn. “What’s this?” Jud gestured toward the driveway.

Clay turned his attention in the same direction. “You tell me. We’re not expecting anyone, particularly not before daybreak. Should we be concerned?”

“Well, someone’s here and it looks like they brought their family. Or a posse. Do you think that’s the guy Gunner talked about? The one looking for Oakley and the wolves?”

“That’s a distinct possibility from the looks of the vehicles.”

Jud snorted in disdain. “Well, you don’t see folks around here driving around a fleet of Cadillacs, flanking a limo big enough for a hot tub.”

“Indeed, you do not,” Clay agreed. “Let’s head up to the lodge.

Jud whistled, and when one of the hands looked in his direction, Jud motioned him over. “We have to go to the lodge. Go tell Rick that we have company, so put the plan in motion.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jud and Clay started walking, falling in behind the line of cars, a dozen in all. By the time Jud and Clayreached the lodge, eleven vehicles had a dark-suited man outside each front door.

“Can I help you?” Clay asked when they were within speaking distance of the first car in line.

The man standing by the driver’s door spoke into what appeared to be thin air. Jud and Clay had already noticed the comm unit in each man’s ear. A few seconds passed, and the front passenger door of the center limo opened. A muscular, tall man got up and walked around the rear of the car, looking around. He opened the rear passenger door, and a man exited the car.

“It’s him,” Jud said under his breath.

“How can you be sure?”

“When she shot him, he was granted a miracle. It lodged in his eye socket. He lost an eye but kept his life.”

“Then let’s wish them a pleasant journey and send them on their way.” Clayton took a step forward as the man walked to them.

“Mr. Blackstone?”
