Page 79 of Gunner's War

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It was a much larger affair than they had anticipated, but the bride and groom didn’t care how many people came. The whole county was welcome to join in. It was the biggest celebration of their life.

“Well, I never saw this coming,” Riggs commented as he watched the bride and groom share a kiss.

“It’s such a wonderful love story though, isn’t it?” His wife, Georgie, said and smiled. “When I first met him, he kind of scared me.”

“He kind of scares everybody,” Riggs replied and clapped as the newly married couple turned to face the people gathered to witness their joining.

Gunner and Oakley made their way through the people, hugging, kissing and smiling. When they reached Riggs and Georgie, Gunner pulled Riggs in for a back pounding hug.

“I remember watching you and Georgie get married on Heritiage,” he said. “I didn’t think I’d ever witness that, but you did it.”

“And now so have you,” Riggs pointed out. “You know you’d have been welcome to have your wedding there.”

I appreciate it,” Gunner thanked him. “But we wanted to do it here, where we’ve decided to stay.”

“We’re happy for you, Gunner,” Georgie hugged him, and then Oakley as well. “I hate you’re not returning to Texas, though. What are you going to do up here?”

Gunner looked at Oakley, and she nodded. “Riggs, you remember Matt Brickman?” Gunner asked.

“I do. Good man. I just was talking to him. Seems his family's happy you decided to settle here.”

“They’re good people,” Gunner said. “His family owns this house. They invited us to live here as long as we want.”

“Well that’s generous, but what will you do?”

“That’s the other part of the surprise. His family is all about stewardship of the land and protecting the environment. They, Clay Blackstone, and Sadie Three Rivers teamed up and formed an environmental watch group. They want us to use Oakley’s wolves as a study, for her to continue working with them, paying attention to whether the other wolves begin to pick up on what she teaches through their interaction with her boys.”

“For what purpose?” Georgie asked.

“To learn,” Oakley answered. “And to protect the wolves. The more we understand, the easier it is to respect and honor each other, to live in peace. We need to watch over them to ensure they’re protected from us. Left to themselves, they’ll do fine. Nature isn’t flawed.”

“And that’s something you want to do?” Riggs asked Gunner.

“It’s a dream come true, my friend.”

“Then here’s to dreams coming true,” Riggs held up his glass.

“Amen to that, brother.”

He looked at Oakley, who was looking off to one side, smiling. She must have sensed him looking at her and glanced up at him. “Look.”

Gunner glanced and smiled at what met his eyes. “Your boys are here.”

“They came to share our joy.”

“Then go share it, baby. Dance with your boys while I watch and wonder what I ever did to get so lucky.”

She grinned, kissed him, kicked off her shoes, and ran over to the edge of the yard where the forest began. “Wanna dance big guys?”

Gunner released Charli from a huge hug, and Grady tapped him on the shoulder. “So, no more wars for you, Gun?”

“Gunner’s days of war are over, I hope.”

“Well, I reckon you’ve got something better now, brother,” Grady lifted his glass in Oakley’s direction.

“I reckon so,” Gunner watched her, spinning and running, leaping and circling, with two enormous wolves dancing along side her. Oakley hadn’t realized it yet, but her wolves would never leave her. They dropped by often, just long enough to get or give some affection.

Or to show off new members of the pack. No, the wolves would no more abandon her than she would them. It was remarkable to witness. Even more so to be part of. Through them, Gunner understood truecommitment, true devotion, and unconditional love. He learned that was how Oakley felt about him. She loved him without condition or reservation.
