Page 9 of Gunner's War

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Now, he watched his friend and brother racing across the pasture, making it look damn easy to flow with the horse as one unit. Gunner had come to admire that and was working on getting there himself.

It surprised him how pleasant life was on Heritage, the family’s ranch. Workdays could be grueling or long, but he liked being physical, so that suited him just fine. The people who worked and lived there were kind, friendly, and made you feel at home.

He hadn’t quite mastered that ‘at home’ thing, and maybe he never would. But he was content for the moment, and he didn’t ask more of life.

Besides, he had a date tonight with a gorgeous, kick ass woman who could match him beer for beer, annihilate him at darts, and make him anticipate the moment he got her naked. He could definitely live with that.

Chapter Three

“Wolf pups?” Grady asked as he stepped out onto the patio. “Did I hear that right?”

“According to someone who called Riggs,” Oakley responded. “But Charli says wolves haven’t been in Texas for a long time.”

“That’s true.” He walked over to the railing to stand beside Charli. “But someone could have bred a dog with a wolf and brought the pups here. How old are they?”

“No one said.”

“Ever wonder about training a wolf dog?” Charli asked.

“Most of my life, but wondering is as far as I’ve gotten.”

“Why?” Grady asked.

“I doubt it’d go over well with the brass.”

“Again, why?”

“Wolves don’t always take to other animals, and that can disrupt training.”

“What if you had a place to do it and it wouldn’t interfere?”

Oakley cut Charli a look and noticed how Charli appeared not to notice as she asked innocently. “Interfere with what?”

“The other dogs.”

“Someone would be hard pressed to accomplish that with as many as 900 dogs in various phases of training,” Oakley replied. “But, between you and me, if you could train one and it was more than eight percent wolf, it would be amazing.”

“So, would you like to do it?” Grady asked.

“Of course, but it’s just not practical.” She was starting to feel this conversation was a set-up. Had Charli already told Grady that she’d turned down the preliminary offer when Charli approached her?

“You mean as long as you’re in service.”

“Yes.” She saw no need to repeat what she’d told Charli. He’d already have that information.

“But what about when you retire? Sorry, but I have to ask. You’re clearly career, so how long do you plan on staying in?”

“Until I make General or find something more interesting.”

“Which would be what?”

Oakley had no problem being honest. “I don’t know. Working with dogs, for sure, but maybe not for combat.”

“Does that get old?” he asked.

“No, just sad.” She responded and then pointed. “There they come.”

Oakley turned and gave Charli a fist bump. “Thanks for the ride. It was good.”
