Page 39 of Against All Odds

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Yeah, I’m regretting posting all of our course schedules on the fridge right about now.

“Right. I was going to get some work done in the library,” I tell him.

Conor nods approvingly, which manages to make me feel even shittier.

Because I was more like going to go sit and continue to freak out about how the tutor keeping me on the team and helping me graduate is the brunette I hooked up with over winter break. How shealsohappens to be our coach’s daughter.

It’s rare I remember details. Most of the girls I hook up with are part of an endless series of weekend nights. And they usually happen after a couple of drinks, in a closet or a dark bedroom.

Go to a party, get drunk, hook uphas been my Friday and Saturday night motto for a long time.


And predictable.

Rylan—or Alice, the name she lied to me about—was unexpected in every way.

I remember everything about that night. What she said. What she looked like naked. The sounds she made.

How hard I came.

My tutor was supposed to be a mousy freshman I wasn’t the least bit attracted to.

I don’t know how I’m supposed to focus around Rylan. Not only do I know a lot about her I shouldn’t, she’s gorgeous.


I glance at Conor. “What?”

“You good?” He’s frowning at me.

“Yeah. Just tired. I didn’t sleep well.” I yawn for effect.

More like I tossed and turned all night, alternating between incredulity at the terrible luck of having hooked up with my tutor a few weeks ago and irritation about her dig about my stats. Who the hell knows what Coach told her about me when he set this tutoring arrangement up. I’m an average player with a tendency to cause trouble. There’s not much else to say. And Coach obviously isn’t trying to get in my pants, so he has no reason to embellish my mediocrity the way the girls on this campus do. I’m sure he gave Rylan a cut and dry assessment of me.

Again, I shouldn’t care.

And again, Ido.

I didn’t tell Hart anything about the girl I hooked up with in the hot tub in Colorado. He was in such a shit mood that trip I figured rubbing in my incredible sex life was unnecessary. And now, I’m relieved I never said anything. Makes me feel a tiny bit less guilty for accidentally fucking our coach’s daughter.

Rylan didn’t tell me anything that night to suggest our paths could cross again. No mention of Holt or Somerville or even hockey. As far as I can tell, it’s pure fucking coincidence that we met in Vail and both ended up here three weeks later.

Getting boarded from behind was less of a surprise than walking into Holt’s library, a building I’ve been in maybe twice before, and seeing Ali—I mean, Rylan sitting there.

I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do if I run into her around campus. Ignore her? Say hi to her? This is new to me, and the two guys I would go to for advice about dealing with a hookup are going to ream me out for doing the one thing I said I wouldn’t do. I doubt either Hunter or Conor will care I had sex with Coach’s daughterbeforeknowing she was Coach’s daughter, not after. Same result.

Conor ends up coming to the library with me, so I put ahalf-hearted effort into actually getting some work done. Hart is an A student but his studiousness has never rubbed off on me. We’ve never studied in the library together before, and watching him smother his irritation as a series of girls come over to hit on him slash wish him luck in our next game is a welcome distraction from thinking about Rylan.

Of course, it’s hard to forget about her when I’m working on the assignment she gave me. I wasn’t lying—I remember how to do everything that’s part of this assignment. I check it over twice, just to make sure, but I’m confident enough is correct to tilt our deal in my favor.

I’ve considered going to Professor Carrigan and asking if I can retake the test this week, instead of waiting until the end of the season. If I actually study for a couple of days, I’m fairly confident I can pass it without going through the weeks of tutoring with Rylan. It solves the problem of interacting with her and also will mean I won’t have the retake hanging over my head for weeks.

But if Idon’tpass? Then I’m fucked for graduation, and I’ll be kicked off the team.

It’s a gamble, which I normally have no issue taking.

These stakes are high, though.
