Page 15 of The Wiseguy

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Everything about the man was insanely gorgeous. Tonight, he looked as if he’d walked directly off aGQ Magazinecover, rocking the sharp linen with gusto. Between his long, shaggy hair that covered his collar and the two- or three-day scruff adorning his strong jaw, I could have easily remained mesmerized by the first sight of him.

However, my resolve was intact. He continued to think of me as nothing but a little girl. I’d seen it in his eyes. Well, I’d find a way to show him what he was missing. That should do the trick to purge him from my system. As I turned to grab my almost empty glass of wine, I noticed two rather handsome young men studying me intently. It was obvious they were talking about me by the constant glances they were issuing. Hmmm…There you go. Perfect.

At least I could provide a sexy little show for Maddox. Maybe then he’d finally see me as a woman.

I offered a sly but sexy smile, flipping my hair over my shoulder before walking toward the door, forced to pass within inches of the man I’d coveted for far too long. Even his scent was alluring, far too provocative for a goddamn soldier. On purpose, I stopped short, giving the two fine-looking gentlemen another quick but seductive glance, dragging my tongue across my bottom lip in an exaggerated manner.

“Here. Put these in some water, will you, Maddox?” I asked, slapping the bouquet against his chest without bothering to look him in the eye. “I’m getting another drink. Oh, and next time you select flowers for a lady, make certain you rip out all thethorns or she just might use them on you.” After holding up my bloodstained finger, I didn’t give him time to object, heading away from him with a sway in my hips. I’d never been very good at walking in heels, my Converse sneakers more my style, but I did my best sashaying out of the room, heading for one of the many bars that had been set up.

The damn flowers reminded me of the ones I’d ignored in New York a few nights before my graduation. The guy had been drunk, the same dude I’d seen more than once during my six-month stint at the little jazz club I’d worked at. He’d been harmless, but after the ugliness of thinking I’d been followed, his gesture had been unwelcome.

By the time I made it to another room, I felt sick inside, hating the way I’d treated Maddox. I didn’t bother looking behind me, fearful that I’d see his chastising face. What was I doing? It was a lost cause to begin with.

“That performance was insanely incredible,” Edmee said as she rushed toward me. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

As my aunt threw her arms around me, I noticed Maddox had followed me into the library, obviously determined to keep an eye on me. I needed to get away from him or I was going to lose my mind. “Thank you. Just a few favorite selections I enjoy playing.”

“The piece was so sad though, dark and dangerous. You should be happy, ecstatic that you’re a free woman.” She laughed, rolling her eyes.

“Are we ever truly free?” Dark and dangerous. Maybe I’d selected it with Maddox in mind.

“Maybe you’re right, although you’re far too young to be so philosophical,” Edmee countered, laughing as her eyes twinkled. “I’m sorry Zane couldn’t make it. He had to fly to Paris for business unexpectedly and is currently stuck in the airport.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Why don’t I grab you a drink?”

She gave me a sly look and placed her hand on her stomach.

“You’re pregnant?”

“I know. Can you believe it after all this time?”

I’d heard horror stories of the two lovebirds trying. Children. Something I was determined never to conceive. Why should I bother? They’d be subjected to scrutiny and protection their entire lives. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Don’t tell anyone. It’s a surprise for Zane when he returns home.”

I zipped my lips with two fingers before pulling her into another bear hug. “Everyone is happily married.”

“Not everyone.” She glanced at Maddox then back to me. She’d been the single person in my family I’d told about my wayward crush after she’d found a stupid love note I’d written him when I was much younger. Well, it was really just a valentine from one of those crazy packages meant for kids to dole out to their classmates, but I’d added some sparkly hearts that I’d taken time to draw. I’d chickened out giving it to him, which had allowed her to find it years later in one of my drawers. Why I’d kept it I wasn’t certain, but she’d teased me relentlessly for months afterward. Now, with Raven suspecting, I’d need to keep my distance from the man for the long haul. God. How was I supposed to do that?

“Whatever. Maybe because he’s such an asshole.”

“Whoa. You know Maddox has a tough job following around after your father. Lighten up, girl. Life is too short. Have that drink.”

“I think I will. Then I have a few sexy men to flirt with. Do you have any idea where Daddy is?”

“Not a clue. I’ll see if I can find him for you.”

“That would be cool.” She squeezed my arm before walking away, her wink making me tingle almost as much as the moment I’d laid eyes on Maddox. I threw him another look then purposely turned toward the bar. “Another glass of merlot, please. And don’t skimp on the size of the glass.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

As soon as the bartender slid the glass across the wooden surface, I wrapped my fingers around it, chugging a good half of the expensive wine. “Top it off if you don’t mind.” I threw a look over my shoulder, trying to curtail my aggravation that Maddox had obviously been told to follow me. I was a grown woman. I should be able to walk around freely in my own house. Damn him.

“Thank you again,” I told the bartender before I walked away, trying to keep from saying something nasty to Maddox, which I knew wasn’t fair.

Thankfully, the two fine-looking young men both walked in my direction.

“Well, hello there,” I said. “And just who are you?”
