Page 109 of Shadows Of Dusk

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This is what being at peace feels like.

Recalling his words from last night my stomach twists and turns with nervously happy energy.

I tighten my grip around his torso and I release a small sigh. His arms respond to my movements, drawing me closer into his hold. The world outside this tent may be awakening, but in this moment, time seems to stand still.

“Good morning.” His voice breaks the silence, and I’m surprised at its clarity and lack of drowsiness.

That’s when it dawns on me that he must have been awake long before me but hadn’t thought to pull away or get up.

The notion sends butterflies throughout my body.

“Morning.” I whisper back, my voice hushed as I attempt to mask the wince at the pain in my jaw.

Darian must have noticed as his gentle touch feathers against the tender area of my face before he delicately tucks my hair behind my ear.

I close my eyes briefly, the sensation is so intimate and foreign from any prior experience in my life that I savor every second.

“I’m so sorry they hurt you.” He says quietly, searching my face.

My heart thunders in my chest, caught between awe and disbelief at the contrast of his tender touch and the chilling reality of the violence he’s capable of.

As his thumb gently traces a path on my cheek, I can’t help but recall the image of his hands, once stained with the blood of those who sought to harm me. It’s hard to reconcile the fierce protector to the gentle soul before me.

Yet, it’s precisely this duality that draws me closer to him. It’s a reminder that perception can be deceiving.

“It couldn’t be helped.” I say, reflecting on the statements made by my attackers, “They spoke as though they purposefully distracted you to get to me. I’m just thankful you found me as quickly as you did.”

Darian falls silent, and I angle my head to get a clearer view of his face. The muscle in his jaw flexes with tension, and his lips press into a thin line as he gazes thoughtfully at the side of the tent.

It’s the guilt on his face that puts me into motion.

Sitting up slightly, I place my hand on his chest, “Hey,” I whisper, reaching further to squeeze his shoulder, “Don’t you dare blame yourself, Darian. It’s the fault of whoever hired those assholes, not yours.”

He inclines his head though his face is still shadowed, “I won’t allow something like that to happen again. I meant what I said last night, Lara. I will never be far from you, from this moment on. Even when you cannot see me, I will be close by.”

I lock eyes with him and my heart thrashes in my chest. My pride struggles against the vulnerability building within, but, God help me, I can’t stop myself, “And what about when all this is over and magic is returned?”

Darian’s features soften, and it’s as if he has finally connected the missing pieces of a puzzle, “We will figure out a way forward once magic is returned. Together.”

My heart flutters in my chest and hope floods through me as I cling to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, I won’t lose my two companions once this ordeal comes to an end.

Stupid girl.

Darian’s strong arms tug me closer, and he brushes his lips against my temple, “It’s still early but if we leave in the next hour, we can be well on our way back by nightfall.”

It’s a conscious effort to leave the bed as I release a soft sigh, untangling myself from his arms.

After hiking for hours, time passes in a blur as the sun peeks through the canopy above.

A dull pain in my lungs and stomach brings me to a stop as I pause to catch my breath, removing the lid of my water bottle to take a deep sip as a trickle escapes the seal, running down my chin.

I wipe at it with the back of my hand, wincing at the pain in my jaw as Darian steps closer.

“This is the second rest break in the past hour. Are you feeling sick?”

Darian’s mismatched eyes burn into mine as I screw the lid of the bottle back on.
