Page 137 of Shadows Of Dusk

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“My brother needs you.” he whispers, and all the fight drains out of me as my attention flicks to his chained body.

Caspian releases me and I dash toward his limp form, rage forgotten as my heart pounds in my chest. Unsure where to grasp him to avoid causing pain, I wrap my arms around his large torso. To my relief, Caspian helps remove the chains as they slip off the hook, crashing to the ground with a deafening clatter.

Darian’s arms fall limp over my head, and we both collapse backward with a heavy thud.

With my body pressed against his, I feel the rise and fall of his weakened breath, and relief overwhelms me.

He’s fucking alive.

“Darian.” I choke out, my chest crushed beneath his weight.

Although Darian stirs, his eyes remain rolled back in his head, and it’s clear she drugged him. Panic sets in as I try and fail to push him off me as my chest tightens, expanding my lungs nearly impossible as I fight for breath.

I catch a glimpse of Val’s dark fur out of the corner of my eye as he rushes to my side, slightly rolling Darian over and relieving a small amount of the pressure on my chest.

Caspian appears above me with a hard look, helping Val shift Darian’s crushing weight fully off of me.

“Thank you,” I manage to say between gasps for air.

Caspian nods, his gaze fixed on me as he jerks his head toward the two individuals standing at the door. “Two of my men are going to escort you three to the apartment and help you bring him inside.”

I meet his gaze with wariness and as if sensing my hesitation, Caspian lets out a deep sigh, his features softening as he grasps his handgun.

My eyes widen as I blink at him.

“I’ll say it again, the attacks against you recently have not been my doing. If you still don’t trust that, then take this,” he continues, offering me his handgun, “and shoot them if they overstay their welcome or do anything outside of bringing him inside the apartment.”

I hesitate for a moment, glancing to the men who blink at Caspian with wide eyes and my fingers find the cool metal handle as I take the offered weapon.

Meeting Caspian’s gaze, I nod before returning my focus to Darian.

“What do you think is wrong with him?” I ask, hoping it’s something that will wear off soon.

Caspian lifts the lid to his brother’s green eye and then his blue-white eye, his gaze shifting between them. “He’s been drugged with some sort of tranquilizer,” he confirms, “I doubt she would have been able to restrain him for long without one.”

“Is there anything we can do to counteract the tranquilizer’s effects?”

Caspian’s expression shifts to a frown, “Without knowing the specific drug and its dosage, it’s difficult to say,” he admits, his tone measured. “But for now that may be for the best, since he’ll be in a world of pain once it wears off.”

I nod, moving to rummage through my bag, retrieving my first aid supplies and begin tending to the larger injuries that haven’t stopped bleeding. Carefully studying the wounds scattered across his chest and abdomen, as I clean his injuries. I apply dressings to the deeper gashes, securing them in place. For the burns, I gently dab them with a cool, damp cloth, providing temporary relief from the searing pain before applying a cream to soothe them.

“I’ve called in a couple of favors and local police won’t be on the scene for 30 minutes. I expect you all to be out of here by then.” Caspian says, pocketing his phone.

I nod as he turns to leave, “Give her pain, Caspian.” He goes rigid, and his intense emerald gaze meets mine, “I want Dolly to pay.”

“Do you remember what I said?” he asks, tilting his head slightly.

Cold vengeance flashes in my mind and I nod once, meeting his gaze, “Be my monster.”

His eyes flash, and nodding once in acknowledgement before he turns and briskly leaves the room, his footsteps fading down the corridor.

As I gather and pack the medical supplies, my attention is drawn to one of the men near the door, cautiously making his waytoward us. My hand instinctively twitches, longing to reach for the handgun as I keep a wary eye on him.

The man notices my tense grip near the gun and immediately pauses, putting both hands in the air. “Woah, it’s okay,” he says, “We’re just here to get you guys home.”

I nod cautiously as the man steps closer, casting a glance at Darian, “Is he going to be okay?” he asks.

“He’s stable,” I respond, my gaze shifting to Darian’s chest, observing the steady rise and fall of his breath.
