Page 161 of Shadows Of Dusk

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Strong arms encircle my limp body as Val cradles me to his chest, lifting me from the water. I’m unable to move or speak as he carries me to the shore, catching a glimpse of Darian’s hurried approach, his expression mirroring Val’s.

I feel nothing as Darian puts pressure on my abdomen, and deep down I’m painfully aware that it’s near futile for them to try to stop the bleeding.

The anguish on their faces as our hands intertwine tells me that they know too.

Peace and serenity engulfing my very being as I realize this is it.

The corners of my vision start to fade, darkness creeping in, but I find that I’m not afraid.

Instead... I feel only a profound sense of gratitude.

Gratitude, that in these final precious moments, I have been granted the gift of seeing them one last time before I succumbto the dark.


I have to first say a huge thank you to Amanda Dumky for the insanely gorgeous cover and for putting up with my chaos. This was a learning experience I will remember forever, and I cannot express enough gratitude for all your hard work.

A huge thank you to my husband, who supported my rather abrupt fixation on reading that turned into a passion and hobby. I’ll never be the same now that I’ve started, but I’m so excited that we’re on this ride together. There’s no one I’d rather have by my side, my own personal book boyfriend.

I’d like to extend a particularly special thank you to my friends and family who read this... See ya’ll at Thanksgiving...

But in all seriousness, I’m nothing without those I love and care about. Your support has meant the world to me, and I’m so deeply thankful to have such amazing people by my side.

Lastly, thank you to all the readers who decided to give my book a chance.

I can’t promise it’s the most well written, or well written at all... but I, as with many authors, put a piece of myself into my work, and taking the time to read it... well that may be the best gift of all.

It’s just my hope that you enjoyed it, even if only for a moment before you move on to your next adventure.
