Page 37 of Shadows Of Dusk

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I shake my head, mostly in exasperation as we move to the parking lot.

These people are going to be thedeath of me.

Chapter 17


This woman is a god-damn enigma.

She’s strong, smart, incredibly kind but in the same breath, infuriating and stubborn in ways I’m unable to understand. The fact that she is the key to everything wrenches my insides apart, and I can’t make heads or tails of it. Her insistence on going to work after what she endured alone was shocking to say the least.

My knuckles turn white as I grip the steering wheel tightly, fighting the urge to speed up, attempting to keep a good distance behind Lara’s car.

Staying at the house last night was a mistake. I shouldn’t have shown up at her work nor should I have brought food with me for her and her coworkers.

I just couldn’t stand to let her out of my sight for too long after finding her in that rundown shack tied to that fucking bed. The moment I walked out of her house this morning everything felt wrong.

It’s making me insane.

It’s the same fucking feeling I have driving on this vacant road as I follow her.

I got halfway home this morning before realizing I couldn’t stay away tonight. Seeing the raw terror in her eyes when she woke up, hearing about Frank fucking Mores and witnessing first-hand the scars he gave her made my blood boil. It didn’t take long for me to have one of my men pick him up.

He thinks he likes torture?

I’m happy to oblige.

If he thinks a belt buckle is a creative form of inflicting pain, he’s severely out of his element. I will bring him within an inch of his life and have him begging for death’s embrace by the time I’m through with him.

That’s if the old asshole’s heart doesn’t give out on him first.

I didn’t put her in there for asshats like Frank to try to break her. I put her in foster care to keep her away from my fucking brother. It was the only way to get her out of his reach.

I might not be able to undo the trauma she endured at the hands of cocksuckers like Frank who have napoleon complexes, but I sure as hell can make them regret their life’s choices.

I might not be able to do much to change the course of things bound to happen, but revenge?

Revenge I can do.

The rational part of me argues that I shouldn’t give a shit about what happened to her in the past. She’s alive right now and that’s all that matters for the future. I should stop vying to bring a smile to her face and simply do what I came here to do.

The less sensible piece of me doesn’t give a single flying fuck about logic or rationalization. If it means never seeing that fucking terror on her face again...

The steering wheel groans, and I release my grip slightly.

I knew having Frank taken from his house to be brought to one of my estates was stepping out of line from the original plan, but I’ll be damned if he continues to breathe freely.

Hell, I’m already damned.

It’s not like anyone can or will stop me from bringing him to some sick and twisted sense of justice. I won’t let him die until his eyes show the same terror I saw within Lara’s last night.

Until then, he will beg, wish and pray, only to be denieddeath.

My sole regret through this entire week is that Cain didn’t suffer more for what he did to her before the wolf killed him.

I consider the future and the irrational voice inside my head wins over as impulsiveness becomes my strongest trait.

It’s a gamble, things could go well or horribly wrong.
