Page 11 of Bound By Bronx

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"Fucking hell," he groans, grinding his dick against me. "You're trying to kill me, aren't you?"



I laugh softly, unable to stop the sound. "Maybe a little bit."

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

"So, I caught myself a little rope bunny, huh?"


He grins, a wholly wicked, unrepentant grin that hits me deep in my womb. "Then you're going to love what I have in store for you tomorrow, Dilemma."

"Tomorrow?" I gape at him. "But I thought…"

"Tomorrow," he says firmly, cupping my cheek in his palm. "You've explored enough for one night. I'm not going to let you rush this."

"Fine." I scowl at him, somehow annoyed and warm and fuzzy at the same time. If he were anyone else, I think I'd be more annoyed than anything that he's trying to take care of me, but it's hard to be mad when he's got my heart trying to beat out of my chest.

Bronx Kaiser is dangerous in ways I never expected. If I'm not careful, before the weekend is over, he'll have my heart in the palm of his hand.

I'm a little afraid I'm already well on my way to handing it over.

He slides his hand around my neck, pulling me closer to him. His other hand slips down my back, his palm settling over my ass. "Don't think I've forgotten that you broke my rules tonight, Dilemma," he murmurs in my ear. "We'll settle that bill tomorrow."

"Uh, no, we won't."

His deep, wicked laugh grinds against my womb. "We will. But tell yourself whatever lies you need to tell yourself to get through the night without touching your cunt because if you touch what belongs to me, you'll pay twice." He nips my ear and then pulls back like he didn't just completely wreck my world. "Come on, Dilemma. Let's get you out of here."


He squeezes my ass, ignoring me.

"Bronx," I hiss, refusing to budge. He can't be serious about not touching myself. Not after he's been all over me.

Except when he turns those baby blues on me, I realize that he is serious. Dead serious. If I touch myself tonight, I'm going to pay for it tomorrow.


Chapter Four


Ithink Elodie waswaiting for me to pull up because I don't even make it through the front door of our little Craftsman before she pounces.

"You're back early." Her hazel eyes scan me from head to toe, meticulously checking me over. Elodie never misses anything. People tend to underestimate her because she's covered in tattoos and dresses like a pinup model, but she's one of thesmartest people I know. "But you are not in the same condition you left in. You met someone."

"Hello to you too," I mumble, dropping my clutch beside the door. I kick my heels off, holding onto the credenza to balance myself. Pictures on top rattle, threatening to tip over as I wobble, unsteady. I swear, stilettos are the most fun when they're still in the box.

"Oh my gosh! Your panties are missing!"


I straighten up so fast my head spins.

My best friend gapes at me, her mouth hanging open. "You did meet someone," she whispers, reaching out to grab my arm. She practically hauls me across our spacious living room before forcing me to sit beside her on the sectional. "Tell me everything. Especially the good parts."
