Page 18 of Bound By Bronx

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"I'm not staying. I've got shit to do. I just wanted to drop this off."

"What do you have to do? You work tonight."

"Took the night off," I grunt.

Coby slowly turns to face me. "You took the night off."

"I have a life outside of work, motherfucker."

"The hell you do," he says with a snort. "You work, eat, sleep, shit, and bug the fuck out of me."

"Man, fuck you. I have a life."

"You're a damn liar too. Why the fuck are you off tonight?"

"Not your business."

"Well, goddamn," he says, rubbing his hands together and smirking. "Big bro finally met a girl."

"Fuck off, Coby." I hoist my middle finger in the air, striding toward his front door. He's such a dick. He's also wrong. I didn't meet a girl. I met the woman I'm going to marry. There's a big damn difference. "I didn't meet a girl."


"I metthegirl, motherfucker," I say, pulling the front door open and stepping outside. I catch a glimpse of his shocked face and laugh.

"Bronx!" he shouts.

I close the door on him, laughing.

He's still shouting after me when I jog down the steps to my bike.

"Jesus Christ," I mutter,glaring daggers at Gemma as she steps into the foyer in a red dress even shorter than the black one she wore last night. I'm not even sure the fucker qualifies as a dress. It plunges between her breasts all the way to her navel. And the back? What back? There isn't one. It's just a slinky piece that covers her ass. Barely.

She looks like sex.

"Hi," she says, beaming brightly.

My damn heart rolls in my chest. How she looks like sin and feels like sunshine at the same time, I don't know, but she does. I've missed the hell out of her since she drove off last night.

I stomp toward her, eager to get my mouth on her.

The little minx dances out of my reach at the last minute, laughing up at me.

"Are you trying to kiss me, Bronx Kaiser?" she asks.

"If you'd get your little ass over here, there wouldn't be any trying involved, Dilemma. I'd be doing right now."

"Oh. In that caseā€¦" She bounds toward me, effervescent even in those fuck-me heels.

I drag her into my arms, dipping her backward. For a long moment, I don't kiss her. I just stare at her, speechless. She stares up at me too, wide-eyed and smiling. How the fuck did I end up with this sweet little thing in my arms, looking at me like I'm the prize here?

"I didn't touch myself, Bronx," she finally says. "Not even after I dreamed about you all night."

I growl, slanting my mouth down on hers. She tastes as sweet tonight as she did last night. Sweeter, perhaps. Because I've spent all day without her, and I know now what I've been missing.

Our tongues tangle together, first in her mouth and then in mine. I sweep my hand down her back, grabbing her ass. She mewls like a little kitten, her hands all wrapped up in the lapels of my suit.

Shit. Her kisses are dangerous.
