Page 39 of Bound By Bronx

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"I missed you."

"Missed you too, Dilemma."

"How did you know I needed you?"

"Just a feeling." He rubs my back. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really. I want to forget about it."

"Then put this on." He releases me, reaching for a helmet hanging on the back of his bike.

"We're going for a ride?"


"I love riding." I practically vibrate with excitement. "Razor and Xavier take me sometimes."

"Good. Then you already know the rules."

"I do."

He places the helmet on my head, carefully latching it. "I expect you to follow these rules, Dilemma. Your safety depends on them."

"I know, Bronx," I say quietly. "I won't do anything to put us or anyone else at risk."

He strips out of his jacket, holding it out to me. "Put this on."

I put it on, laughing when it swallows me. He smiles at the sight, and then he helps lift me onto the bike before he mounts it. I slide forward, wrapping my arms around his waist.

Within seconds, we're on the road, the wind in our faces. I snuggle up against him, moving when he does, feeling the vibration of the road beneath us, happy. He takes me out to the Falls, pulling off at an overlook where the waterfall pours down into the water below.

"Come here." He lowers the kickstand, kills the engine, and then lifts me from the bike, before sliding backward. I settle in front of him, facing him. Once he removes my helmet, he smiles. "Now, this is a sight."

"The Falls?"

"You on my bike."

"You're quite the charmer, Mr. Kaiser."

"And you're quite the vision, Miss Marsh." He brushes tendrils of hair away from my face, and then traces his fingers down my cheeks. "You've been crying."

"Just a little," I whisper.

"What happened?"

"They freaking ambushed me, and tried to boss me into telling them where I was all weekend. So I ended up yelling at them." I frown sadly. "I said everything I've been needing to say, but I don't like the way I said it."

"They'll forgive you for it, beautiful."

"I know, but it still sucks. I hate when we argue."

"You don't fight often."

I shake my head. "We never argue and fight. We never have."

"Then they'll know how important this is to you this time, Dilemma. If it matters enough for you to be this upset, they'llhear you." He fans his fingers out across my cheeks, stroking gently. "It's going to be okay. I know you, and I know you won't give up until you make it okay."

"You know what really makes me sad?"
