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“Good night, Mira.”

I wait while she unlocks the door and heads inside before I turn and jog back outside to my Jeep. I’ve got another date lined up with my dream girl and my lips are still buzzing from our first kiss.

Things are finally looking up for me.

I smile the whole way home.



I smileas I brush out my hair. I’ve been doing that a lot lately. Ever since my date with Townes the other night. He’s been stopping by work the last two days and bringing me food on my breaks. It’s kind of been like a little date. I’ve been living for those stolen moments with him.

I’ve been learning so much about him. It’s kind of crazy how much we have in common. We both didn’t have the best childhoods and neither of us talks to our families now.

Tonight, we’re going on another real date. He wouldn’t tell me what he had planned for us, but I’m sure that I’m going to love it. Townes seems to hang on my every word, and he remembers everything that I so much as mention. He seems to know all of my likes and dislikes already.

I kind of love that he’s been paying so much attention to me. He seems to file away everything that I’ve ever said that I like or dislike. I love being with him. He makes me laugh and smile more than anyone else. I just wish that he wasn’t so bossy sometimes.

I’m not even sure if bossy is the right word. He just takes charge of situations and tells me that we’re doing something rather than asking. I know that I’m probably just being sensitive and that getting ordered around just reminds me of my mom, but I still can’t seem to shake the annoyance everytime he does it.

I finish getting ready and just in time because Townes knocks on my door as I’m tugging my shoes on.

I opted to dress up a bit more tonight and put on the one and only dress that I own and the only pair of high heels as well. The dress fits a little tighter than I remember, but Townes seems to love my curves, and I think that they’re shown off nicely in this dress.

The black material hugs my breasts and is snug around my waist and hips. It ends just above my knees and I smooth the material down as I head to answer the door.

“Hey -eh,” Townes says as I open the door.

His eyes widen as he takes me in and then he just stares at me, his mouth hanging open slightly. His reaction is a major ego boost for me and I stand straighter, more confidently.

“Hey,” I greet him, taking him in.

He’s wearing jeans and a flannel shirt. His muscles fill out the shirt and make him look like a lumberjack. A sexy one.

“You look…” he starts, trailing off as his eyes travel down my body again.

“Good?” I supply, and he nods, his eyes locked on my hips, then my legs, and then back up to my face.

“Gorgeous,” he says, his voice deep with heat.

“Thanks,” I say, and I can feel my cheeks heating with a blush.

I grab my purse and pull my door shut behind me, locking it and dropping my keys into my bag.

“Where are we going tonight?” I ask him, and he takes my hand and helps me down the stairs.

“I thought that I would cook for you tonight. If that sounds good to you?”

“Sounds perfect.”

He helps me into his Jeep and I try to contain my excitement at the thought of being alone with Townes. I’ve never seen his place, and I try to imagine what it looks like. Townes is kind of a grumpy, no-frills guy, so I bet that it’s a typical bachelor pad with just a leather couch and a big TV.

He pulls up outside of a cabin that’s surprisingly bigger than I expected. It’s surrounded by forests, but still looks warm and inviting. He parks and hurries to open my door while I look around.

“Here, careful. There might be some ice there,” he says as he takes my hand and helps me out of the car.

We hurry through the cold wind and inside. I freeze as soon as the door closes behind us.
