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I know I should look away, but I can't. I'm transfixed, intoxicated. I've never wanted anything as fiercely as I want her. She's already under my skin, flooding my veins like a drug. I'll have her. I have to. Any way I can. She's my new fixation. My prize to claim. I won't rest until she's completely and irrevocably mine.

I follow her at a distance as she makes her way down the busy street. Far enough back that she doesn't notice, but close enough that I don't lose sight of her vibrant red hair in the crowd.

She pauses to look in a shop window, giving me a chance to admire the curve of her hips, the way her jeans hug her shapely legs. I imagine what it would feel like to run my hands over her body, to pull her close and breathe in her scent.

My pulse quickens. I shouldn't be doing this, following a girl I don't even know. But I can't stop. I need to know more abouther. Who is she? Where does she live? What makes her smile? Laugh? Cry? A fierce curiosity burns within me.

She starts walking again and I match her pace, weaving between other pedestrians. I'm careful not to get too close. Don't want to scare her off.

Part of me knows this obsession is unhealthy. It's too fast. Too intense. But the primal desire coursing through me is too powerful to resist. She's a flame, and I'm the moth, helpless but to gravitate toward her light.

I have to be strategic if I want to make her mine. I'll learn all I can first. Her habits. Hangouts. Friends. I'll become a part of her world before she even realizes it. Inch my way into her heart and mind until she can't imagine life without me.

Yes, she will be mine. No matter what it takes. I won't let this intoxicating woman slip through my grasp. She belongs to me now whether she knows it yet or not...

Emila.That's her name. She's a senior at the high school, but thank god she's eighteen, so she's legal.

I follow her as she makes her way down the sidewalk, staying a safe distance behind so she doesn't notice me. My eyes trace over her body, drinking in every detail—the bounce of her red hair, the curve of her hips, the flash of bright red as she smiles.

I imagine what it would feel like to run my hands through that fiery hair, to grab her waist and pull her against me. A wave of desire courses through me, and I have to resist the urge to rush forward and take her right here on the street.

Patience, I remind myself. I need to be smart if I'm going to make her mine.

My possessive thoughts war with the rational part of my brain. What am I doing, stalking an innocent girl like some kind of deviant? This isn't who I am. I should stop this madness now before it goes too far.

But then she glances over her shoulder and I catch a glimpse of those piercing blue eyes. In that moment the darkness takes over, and I'm lost again to my all-consuming need for her.

I don't care what it takes. She will bemine.


The hair on the back of my neck prickles as I make my way down the sidewalk. I can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me. Glancing around, I don't see anyone suspicious, just the usual people going about their day.

Must be my imagination playing tricks on me. I adjust my bag on my shoulder and keep walking, trying to ignore the uneasy feeling in my gut.

But as I round the corner, I catch a glimpse of a tall figure ducking behind a tree up ahead. My heart starts to pound and I quicken my pace. I risk another look back and see the same shadowy figure trailing behind, keeping his distance but definitely following me.

Fear courses through me and I break into a run, my boots slapping against the pavement. I dart across the street, not bothering to wait for the walk sign, hoping to lose him in the maze of side streets. But every time I look back, he's still there, face obscured by a hoodie, persistent as ever.

My lungs burn as I sprint block after block, looking for a crowd I can disappear into. I should have known better than to walk alone. Dammit, why didn't I ask Liv to come with me?

I blow through a red light, nearly getting clipped by a passing car. The driver blares his horn but I don't stop, can't stop. Not with those heavy footsteps echoing behind me, that creeping shadow tracing my every move.

I'm not going to make it home, I realize with dread. I have to find help, now. A police station, a fire house, anywhere I can get protection.

I duck into an alley, pressing myself against the cold brick wall as I try to muffle my ragged breathing. Peering around the corner, I search for any sign of my pursuer. For a moment, the sidewalk appears empty, the street quiet.

Then I seehim. The stalker strides into view, head swiveling slowly as he hunts for me. Even with his face obscured, I can feel his intense gaze crawling over the alley entrance. He pauses, considering.

My heart hammers against my ribs. I'm trapped here. If I run, he'll see me for sure. But if I stay hidden, how long until he decides to check the alley?

After an eternity, he continues onward down the sidewalk. I sag against the wall, weak with relief. But I don't dare move yet. I count to one hundred, listening for any sound of returning footsteps.

Nothing. The coast seems clear. I slip out of the alley and sprint in the opposite direction, cutting through side streets and keeping to the shadows. The neighborhood changes, houses turning to warehouses and factories.

Finally I slip into the apartment I share with my mom. She's not home yet, but I close the door and lean against it in relief.

What the hell was that?
