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We've found a rhythm. Wake up, make breakfast, study, practice, shower, relax, make love. It's simple. It's perfect. Every morning I watch her sleep, I thank my lucky stars for finding her. She's the one who calms the storm inside me.

"Morning, sunshine," I whisper, nuzzling my face into her neck.

Emila groans softly and stretches, her limbs tangling with mine. Our breaths mingle, hers warm and sweet from sleep, mine hot and eager. Heat pools in my belly as I remember our lovemaking last night. Her moans echoing off the walls, her nails digging into my skin, her legs wrapped tightly around me. She's a fiery, passionate creature who matches my intensity, and it's intoxicating. I help her sit up, and she leans into me, still drowsy but content. She smells like vanilla and girlish sweat, a scent unique to her.

We kiss slowly, lingeringly, our tongues dancing in a familiar rhythm. I pull back to watch as she bites her bottom lip, hoping for more. God, I love that look. I slide my hand under her breast. Her nipples harden beneath my touch, and a soft gasp escapes her lips. I chuckle darkly, my voice low and rough.

"Up and at 'em, Red." I drag my teeth across her jaw, tasting her skin. My eyes flicker with desire as she reluctantly pulls away from me and heads to the bathroom. My gaze wanders to the framed picture of us at the senior prom. She looked like a goddess that night, all dressed up in a red velvet gown that hugged her curves just right. I swallow hard. I'm a lucky son of a bitch.


I emerge from the bathroom, my hair still damp and smelling of lavender shampoo. I catch Tyler staring at me, quirking an eyebrow as I wrap myself in a towel. My face softens when I see the lust in his eyes. I know what he wants, have always known what he wants. It's like we speak the same language without words. I pad over to him, watching as he takes off his shirt, revealing his toned torso and abs.

"Are you ready for me?" I ask, my voice husky with desire.

"More than," he growls in response, pulling me close and trailing kisses down my neck. Our bodies press together, and he groans at the feel of my soft skin against his.

He helps me out of the towel, letting it fall to the floor as he picks me up bridal style and carries me to our bed. He lays me down gently, trailing kisses from my shoulder to my collarbone, stopping at my breasts.

His tongue circles my nipple, and I arch into him. He chuckles darkly, taking it into his mouth, sucking hard and drawing a moan from my throat.

Our sex is fierce and passionate, fueled by our undeniable chemistry. We grab at each other like our lives depend on it, grunting and moaning in sync. My hands slide down to his thighs, parting them, my tongue darting out to taste him. He's sweet and salty, and I can't get enough. We climax together, our bodies shuddering against each other. His seed spills into me, and I cry out his name as my walls clench around him.

Exhausted but still connected, we fall asleep in each other's arms.

And I'm happier than I ever thought I could be.


I wake up early for practice, already hard thinking of her. My mind races with thoughts of her, of our night together. I shower and head to the gym, determined to prove myself on the ice. The puck slides under my stick, and I shoot it into the net, scoring a goal. The crowd goes wild, cheering my name. I grin, knowing she'd be proud. She's usually at all of my games, but lately her own work consumes her.

Later that night, we have dinner at our favorite Italian place, laughing over old inside jokes and making new ones. My thumb runs along the inside of her thigh under the table, and she shivers with anticipation for what comes next.

Back at home, we curl up on the couch together, lost in each other's embrace. I trace her lips with my finger, drawing her closer. She moans softly, begging for more. We tumble onto the couch, our bodies entwined once again. Our love-making becomes rougher this time, more primal. I bite her neck, and she gasps, her nails digging into my shoulders. Our climaxes are sharper, more intense than before.

The weeks go by like this—practice, games, making out, passionate nights. She supports me unconditionally, becoming an integral part of my life.

And I realize I can't imagine life without her anymore.


I focus on my studies and art, determined to do well. I spend late nights at the library and early mornings in class, with Tyler always in the back of my mind, driving me forward. I paint him constantly, capturing his intensity and determination on canvas. My work improves exponentially, fueled by our love.

Tyler attends every one of my art shows, proudly showing off my paintings to our friends and family. He tells me how beautiful they are, how much he loves seeing my vision come to life. I blush, my cheeks turning red like my lipstick.

We travel together, visiting family and friends, exploring new cities. He holds my hand in airports and movie theaters, protective and possessive. I melt into him, relishing in the safety he provides.

We finally buy a house and make it into a home filled with our passion projects—trophies from his hockey games, paintings I've created, and memories of our love.

We have kids, two beautiful boys who inherited his athleticism and my creativity. Tyler's career soared after college. Now he plays professionally, constantly shooting goals and receiving accolades. I cheer him on from the stands, always by his side.

Meanwhile, I pursue my art full-time, selling pieces for exorbitant amounts of money. Our love is the inspiration behind every stroke of the brush, and I think that's why it does so well.

We grow old together, still just as in love as we were when we first met.

Our love story is legendary, our bond unbreakable. But there's always an edge to it—a darker undercurrent that keeps us tethered together. Tyler's jealous streak never truly fades, alwayschecking up on my social media, demanding to know who I talk to and where I go. It's a constant reminder that he owns me, that I'm his.

I never complain, instead leaning into it, relishing in the way he's obsessed with me.

I love it.

I lovehim.

We're a twisted version of happily ever after, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
