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"I haven't even finished high school yet," I hedge. It's not that I don't want to be with Tyler all the time. It's just that it's all happening so fast.

"You'll finish," he promises. "I'll drive you to school before my classes. You'll finish high school while I finish college, and at night..." he looks at me meaningfully, "I'll worship you like the goddess you are."

"Tyler..." I begin.

"Say yes," he cuts me off. "Let me take care of you, baby."

His eyes plead with me as he rubs my clit softly with his thumb.

My head falls back on a moan that sounds a lot like a yes.




I can't helpthe way my heart pounds in my chest as she walks up the stairs towards my apartment, clutching a duffle bag to her chest. It's like I'm watching my entire future unfold before me—the way her hips sway slightly with each step, her long red hair bouncing against her back. Fuck if I can tear my eyes away from the sight of her. She's gonna be living with me now.

Finally, she reaches the landing and turns her head in my direction, a soft smile tugging at those full lips of hers. "So," she breathes out, and I swear I can hear the word echo through every inch of my body.

"So," I reply, my voice coming out rougher than intended.

Her warm hand brushes against mine as we both reach for the key. Our fingers entwine briefly before she unlocks the door and pushes it open. My gaze follows her as she disappears into my tiny apartment, and all I can think about is the way she's gonna make it feel so much less empty now.

Inside, I watch as she drops the bag on the floor and turns to face me, a mix of surprise and apprehension in her eyes. Butthen she seems to remember herself, because that soft smile returns and she shrugs off her coat. "Thanks for letting me stay here."

I cross the room in three long strides, my hands grabbing for her waist before I can think better of it. She sucks in a sharp breath but doesn't pull away as I tug her close. My mouth is on hers before I can stop myself, a rough, demanding kiss that takes us both by surprise. She gasps into my mouth and I groan against her lips.

It's not enough.Neverenough.

Pulling back reluctantly, I clear my throat and say, "Welcome to your new home."

She laughs softly, the sound like music against my skin. "Thanks," she says, her cheeks pink with embarrassment—or maybe excitement.

God, I need to get a grip.

"Anything you need help with?" I ask roughly, trying to regain some semblance of control.

"N-no, I think I've got it from here," she stutters out, and I notice the way she avoids my eyes. I shouldn't be this fucking obsessed with her already. But I am.

So instead, I lean against the wall, watching as she unpacks her clothes, her underwear, her goddamn toothbrush. Every movement is mesmerizing, every inch of her perfect little body exposed under her tight shirts and jeans driving me wild.

The room fills with the scent of her shampoo and conditioner as she sets up her bathroom things. Her hair falls like a red curtain over her shoulders as she brushes it out, and I can't help but imagine it spread across my pillow, tangled around my fingers.

And tonight, it will be.


We easily fall into a routine. I wake her by slipping my cock into her, and I swear to god there's not a better way to start the day than buried inside her soft heat.

After breakfast, it's time for my morning workout and then class. I drop her off at the high school, and then we agree to meet at the library later for me to pick her up and take her home.

Home. Emila is my home.

I barely pay attention in class. All I can do is stare at the clock, willing the seconds to tick by so I can have my angel in my arms again.

I'm early to our spot at the library, but when a few minutes pass she's not here, my stomach knots, and I pace. Did something happen? Did she change her mind? What if I pushed too hard?
