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“Is that?—?”

My gaze landed on the sight at the same time Addison said those words. Two people on the lounge chair in the corner of thepool. Two people who were very clearly naked. He was on top of her, his bare ass moving as he?—

I bolted backward. “That’s Slade and Cheyenne.”

Oh, shit. Should have said that out loud? I probably shouldn’t have called attention to the identity of the people doing the fucking, but Slade was a relative newcomer to town. Addison hadn’t lived here in a while, so she probably didn’t even have any idea who he was.

“Wow.” Addison sat back in her seat and lifted her fork. “That has to be cold. It’s freezing out there.”

“I’m sure they’re generating their own heat,” I said.

I said that, but there was a heater near that area of the pool. It was probably why they were doing it out there. Although why they hadn’t found an indoor location for their afternoon sex session was beyond me.

Addison sliced off a piece of cake and slid it into her mouth. But she was distracted. That much was clear. Her eyes were glazed over and her hand was trembling. Was she all worked up now? Did she need help getting some relief for that?

“You’re not tasting it,” I said.

“Huh?” She looked over at me, her brows knitted in confusion.

“The cake. I was going to get your expert opinion. You don’t seem to be savoring your food like you were downstairs.”

She stopped chewing and looked down, as if suddenly aware she was eating. Then she looked over at me, eyebrows once again knitted, and asked, “You brought this up here so I could evaluate it?”

I’d mentioned rating the bakery in Boone, hadn’t I? Maybe she wasn’t paying attention. Or maybe seeing what the couple was doing by the pool had wiped her memory.

“You seem to have a talent for detecting good food,” he said. “I was just curious what you thought of the bakery.”

That wasn’t the entire truth. I’d used cake tasting as an excuse to spend time alone with her. Emerald had to get back to her wedding soon, and if I could keep her maid of honor up here in the bedroom…

“Oh yeah,” she said. “You mentioned rating the bakery.”

She poised her fork at the spot slightly above where she’d made the previous cut. She took a deep breath, as though to calm herself. Yes, the scene below definitely had rattled her. Was she aroused?

My dick twitched at the thought.

Addison opened her mouth, sliding the fork inside. I clearly pictured that mouth wrapping around my cock.

I turned my attention to my own dessert plate, mostly to calm my raging thoughts of getting out of this chair and coaxing her to her feet. That led to fantasies of maneuvering her over to that bed and doing exactly what Slade was doing to Cheyenne by the pool.

As I took my first bite, Addison closed her eyes and savored the flavors of her own first taste of cake. I couldn’t blame her. It was so good, I closed my eyes briefly too. The cake was packed with flavor and sugar and all the things that made life worth living.

“That’s damn good,” I blurted as soon as I’d swallowed.

Her eyes popped open, but she continued to chew. There was a hint of a smile on her face. Yeah, way to blow it. There’d been a mood here, and that mood might have been able to lead us where I wanted to go. Maybe I should take off one of my socks and shove it in my mouth.

“Typical wedding cake.” Her gaze dropped to the white cake with fluffy white icing on the plate she was holding. “The icing is buttercream and it’s moist enough, but…”

“Typical?” I asked.

She gave a nod. “With wedding cakes, bakeries tend to focus more on presentation than taste. It’s all about the pictures, right? And that works for most brides, but when I get married someday, I want a cake that tastes delicious.”

When she got married someday. So she was open to the thought. But suddenly, the idea of her marrying anyonebutme filled me with dread.

“So, you wouldn’t recommend the bakery in Boone?”

She thought about that long and hard. “Is there a choice?”

I really had no idea. For all I knew, there could be a hundred wedding cake bakers in Boone. This just seemed to be the one everyone recommended.
