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I guess they’re probably wondering why I’m here, what my motives are. I know that none of them are really looking for love; if they are, I feel sorry for them.

Before I can dissect the situation any further, Karl starts talking on the other end of the phone. He’s regretful, but he’s unable to continue our partnership given the current situation.

Right, perfect.

I walk back around to hair and makeup, annoyed by the phone conversation and distracted by the woman I saw outside. I must make sure I stay focused during all of this.

I know they will all be beautiful and maybe I’ll even enjoy their company, but finding a fiancée? Not going to happen.

I’ve had many arguments with Tiffany over this and assured her she will be getting the bare minimum out of me. I will be here. I will make the tiniest effort so that we can get my company back on the map, but that’s it.

I shift uncomfortably in the chair as the makeup and hair people fuss over me.

I grunt as one of them tells me to sit still.

“Focus!” Tiffany snaps her fingers in front of my face. “It’s game time. Your team is down by one; you need to make the touchdown, or whatever.”

“You really shouldn’t try sports analogies, Tiff.” I roll my eyes.

“You don’t take business phone calls during game time!” She crosses her arms.

She knows better than anyone that this is probably a lost cause.

“Picture it now!” She starts talking animatedly, gesticulating for emphasis. “Your profile is on the rise, everyone is invested in your love life; they want you and your company to succeed. You walk out of this with your business better than ever and the love of your life by your side. The world is cheering you on!”

I glare at her. She can’t be serious.

“I need you—” she snaps her fingers in front of my face again “—to be charming and charismatic. I know it seems impossible but dream with me here, people!”

I continue to glare at her.

Tiffany puts her hands either side of my face, much to the makeup artist’s dismay. “Everything you have worked so hard to build is hanging by a thread, and this is your lifeboat.”

Always mixing her analogies.

I sigh. She has a point.

“I willtry,” I say through gritted teeth. “But I can’t guarantee anything.”

She nods and steps back, letting the makeup and hair people get back to making me camera-ready.

I fought against this tooth and nail, but in the end, I need the good PR.

I just keep thinking about how I don’t have time for this. I don’t have time for relationships. I never have.

I look in the mirror and resist the urge to groan. It’s time.

I walk out of the cabin. They’ve set out a long red carpet ending in an altar-type arch. Rose petals are strewn everywhere.

It looks like a goddam wedding ceremony.

My instinct is to run in the other direction, but Tiffany is right behind me, nudging me forward.

“Remember, you’re meant to be Prince Charming, not the rear end of a horse,” she whispers.

I’ll never admit it, but Tiffany’s analogies amuse me.

“Yes, boss,” I whisper through the strained fake smile I’ve mustered.
