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I can hear a lot of overlapping voices, but I can’t see anyone. They must have the ladies in a greenroom area.

I don’t know why, but I’m nervous.

This was a terrible idea. How the hell is this going to help my business?

I stand under the arch. The sun beats down, scorching every inch of the beach around me. I envy the crew who are basically in swimwear.

I feel my phone ring and immediately answer it. I can’t ignore work just because I’m here.

I vaguely hear a few people groan but honestly, this is the last thing I want to be doing.

After I wrap up my call, the director calls for quiet on set. Showtime.

A pretty woman in a slinky red dress makes her way down the carpet. She smiles and introduces herself. Immediately I’ve forgotten her name. She does a magic trick and I glare at Tiffany. What has she signed me up for?

A gorgeous blonde is next to come down the carpet. She has an adorable Southern accent, and I must admit, she seems sweet. I realize it’s the woman that was crying earlier. I try my best to smile while she goes through her introduction, and she reciprocates with a dazzling smile.

Another woman walks down, and I find myself zoning out.

Sure, they’re all beautiful, but my heart isn’t in this.

Right now, my COO is in a meeting that is a lead-up to a massive deal. If we were to secure it, it would be a massive step back in the right direction, but I know the other party are hesitant after my recent bad press.

As we continue through the introductions, I answer my phone a few times. It’s clear that some of the crew are getting annoyed, but I can’t ignore people that are my lifeline for keeping my company afloat.

I don’t mean to, but I find myself putting the women into categories.Gold digger. Here for the attention. Here to launch her career.When one of them starts singing it takes everything in me not to roll my eyes.

I almost admire them for taking an opportunity like this and using it to their advantage. It’s a smart business move, I just wish I didn’t have to be at the center of it.

I realize I’m not even paying attention to the woman standing in front of me. By the sound of it, she’s talking about astrology.

Tiffany gestures to me to smile. I try, but it feels unnatural.

My phone rings. Everyone goes silent. I swear Tiffany flinches, but I answer it.

This time I’m met with an audible chorus of moans and groans.

They’ll get over it.

Once I’m done, a fresh wave of women are sent to introduce themselves. I barely register any of their names and honestly, I’m over it.

I get the feeling the producers are trying to rush through before I answer my phone again.

A woman who just did a demonstration with fire walks away and I sigh. As if I needed something to make me hotter than I already am.

If I have to fake laugh or smile at another ridiculous over-the-top introduction, I will lose it. Why do they all need a gimmick? What happened to just walking up and saying your name? Maybe it’s like branding, making sure they have a signature, or to be memorable.

The only thing I want people to remember is my company. I know it’s selfish and narcissistic, but it’s how I became a success… at least it was.



There’s only so much a fan can do in the hot weather. It feels like it’s just directing the heat toward us at this point.

I look in the mirror they have set up. The light bulbs make the room even hotter. The makeup and hair team are ridiculously talented and made me look much prettier than I am. Their talents are being wasted here, that’s for sure.

As time passes, I study each girl and the choices the producers made. You can see they went for softer looks for the Southern girls, and played up the sexy on the women that might be considered for the villain archetype.
