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Looking around at this big production, I still can’t believe I was picked for this in the first place. It shouldn’t be hard to subtly get myself kicked off; I hope.

I watch as the crew get visibly angrier by the second.

I’m still trying to differentiate between assistants and producers, but all of them look exhausted.

I don’t know what they expect from Aaron. He has a business to run, so of course he has to answer his phone, right? How do they think he got to be so successful?

I shift uncomfortably as we wait for him to get off the phone. I’m thankful they didn’t make me wear heels but it’s still not fun wearing a fancy dress surrounded by hot sand.

It does feel a little bit like playing dress-up or going to prom. It’s such a strange experience, standing on a beach in The Bahamas, tourists watching as cameras film you. Especially since there are a dozen or so people behind those cameras and working the equipment. There’s so much more behind the scenes than I could’ve imagined.

I notice a couple of the producers have been taking girls aside and whispering to them. It seems like the mind games have begun.

I turn around and look for someone to tell me if I should wait here or go sit down, but everyone is turned away or animatedly talking to each other, probably complaining about Aaron.

I sigh. I just need to get through a few more days of this and then hello, college.



Ipace back and forth as I talk on my phone. The negotiations today have been brutal and would’ve been so much easier had I been there in person; instead they are pressuring my COO and he’s not as cutthroat as I am. Jason has empathy, which I’ve been told I don’t, at least when it comes to business.

I know they’re taking advantage of the fact that I’m not there and using my recent blunder as leverage, but we need this deal to go through. We need to get the business back to where it was.

They say in business that it’s not personal, but for me it is. I’ve given my blood, sweat and tears to the company. I’ve done everything I can to make sure my mom is more than taken care of, especially after everything she did for me growing up. They say it takes a village, but our village was just us.

I watch the woman I saw earlier shift back and forth on the carpet. It took me a second to realize she was standing right in front of me.

Her stunning blue eyes took my breath away for a minute, and her body in that dress… wow.

I barely heard her introduce herself because I was in my own head thinking about work. I think she said it was Maddie, no, Millie.

Michael, the lead producer, is glaring at me. I know I’ve made his life about fifty times harder today, but if you ask me he takes his job too seriously. You’d think he was a doctor with the intensity he has when it comes to making this show happen.

Cameron, the director, looks like he’s yelling at someone. Again, probably my fault.

Don’t they know I haveactualwork to do?

Tiffany walks up to me, steam practically coming out of her ears. “If you don’t get off that phone, I’m going to throw it into the ocean.” She leans forward to try and grab it and I shift backward.

Lucky for me, she’s short and can’t reach.

“I swear, you are getting on my last nerve.” She wipes away sweat from her forehead. “Did you at least secure the deal?”

I sigh. “No. And this is exactly why I should’ve been there. I should be back in the office, handling it.”

Tiffany crosses her arms. “And how has that been working out for you for the past few months, huh?” She narrows her eyes. “I know you don’t like my methods, but this is the best way to get the public back on your side.”

“I know.” I tilt my head back. I know she’s right, but it doesn’t make it any easier to swallow.

“And unless you want to see my pretty little behind have a full-on meltdown — and you know I can have one bigger than an Antarctic glacier — then you willtry, for me.”

I look down at her bright brown eyes and her furrowed brow. I can’t say no to her.

“Fine, fine.” I put my hands up in surrender.

The hair and makeup people come back and touch me up. I take a deep breath and walk over to the red carpet.
