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“Jason, hey. Don’t tell me you’ve burned the place to the ground?” He rolls his eyes and mouths that he’s sorry.

I’m surprised, because not once has he apologized for being on his phone.

The crew groan and Tiffany looks like she’s going to kill him.

“Um, that’s a wrap, Millie.” Cameron frowns.

He really has been put through the wringer with all the stopping and starting, but I get the feeling that he gets paid enough to put up with any inconveniences.

I go and freshen up, slipping into a long flowy beach dress and sandals. Much more comfortable than the formal dress and heels they had me in.

All the girls sit around in the hotel lounge for one last drink before they have to fly back home.

Natalie proposes a toast. “To the happy couple. Aaron is lucky to have found someone so passionate and sweet.”

I notice a few of the girls roll their eyes. We aren’t exactly besties, but I don’t think I’ve been that bad to hang around with.

Everyone looks at me, and I realize they’re waiting for me to make a speech.

“Aaron is extremely lucky that he got to meet each one of you, because I feel lucky to have met all of you. I hope you have great success in your futures and that we keep in touch. Cheers!”

I really do mean it. Aaron was lucky to spend time with these women.

After some small talk, everyone starts to say goodbye.

Lana looks like she wants to strangle me as she talks through a strained smile. “I don’t know what you did to get him to propose, but good luck to you.”

I want to say to her that I honestly don’t know, that I did my best to put him off and it backfired spectacularly. Instead, I thank her and smile.

Fiona hugs me tight and whispers into my ear. “I knew you were calculating enough to make it happen.”

“Uh, thanks?” Her tone sounds nice, but the words, not so much.

I understand a lot of the hostility. A lot of them thought this was their meal ticket, this was their steppingstone to being in the spotlight, but if you don’t get chosen, you’re more than likely to fade into the background.

I think a lot of them were surprised that they didn’t film us participants while we were hanging out, aside from a few B-roll shots of us unpacking or chatting about what was going on with each person’s date, and it hindered their plans to steal the show.

I get it. I was also surprised that it wasn’t more focused on the drama like other shows Danielle made me watch.

After bidding farewell to the rest of the girls, Natalie and I are the last ones standing.

Her eyes well up with tears.

“No. Don’t you dare cry, because then I’ll cry.” She is one person I know for sure that I will remain friends with. “The second they give me my phone back, I will be calling you all the time, okay?”

Natalie steps forward and envelopes me in a hug. I cling to her, not ready for her to go. She was my rock through this experience and even though we haven’t known each other long, we have a connection. Without her here, it’s going to be strange.

“Promise?” she says. I can tell she’s trying really hard not to cry.


Her eyes search mine and she seems satisfied with my tone and answer.

“Try not to break his heart.” Natalie laughs and throws me a smile as she walks to the car service waiting for her.

I wish I was going with her.

