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“Yeah, they already took everything to the apartment.” I sigh. “I can’t believe they’re making me move in with him. I knew I should’ve read the contract properly.”

“No one does.” Macey gives me a sympathetic smile.

Someone knocks on the door and Alex yells for them to come in.

“Sorry, just grabbing you to walk to the location,” Angelica says.

She looks anxious; all the producers and assistants look stressed-out all the time.

“It’s a good thing you took your time. Aaron’s on an important phone call, again.” She walks me through the hotel.

I take one last look at the hotel, which is grand and beautiful and something I could never afford, unless I used the money that is earmarked for college.

I really thought this would be the end of filming and that I’d have the money and I’d be free by now.

I roll my shoulders back, ready to get this over with, and follow the frazzled producer.

As I’m waiting, Tiffany approaches me. This can’t be good.

It’s the first time she’s addressing me when I’m not in a group of other people.

“Hey, Millie.” She checks that my mic hasn’t been switched on yet and then continues. “I don’t know what your deal is, but just a friendly piece of advice; maybe up the act a little?”

I try to plaster a befuddled look on my face, but I know she sees through it.

“Look, clearly you’re a smart girl and most people didn’t notice during the proposal, but I did. So, if you could just try to be ten percent less repulsed by Aaron, that would help. Otherwise, they might slap you with an unwilling contestant label and make sure you don’t get paid.”

I nod once. “Noted. Thanks.”

She gives me a sympathetic smile and walks away.

I’m conflicted. I thought our strained banter was coming off as chemistry, but apparently not.

I’m going to have to get my flirt on. I’m not much of a bat-my-lashes-and-lick-my-lips type of gal, so this will be interesting.

After what feels like an eternity, Aaron gets off his phone.

I give him a tight smile as he approaches me.

“Let’s get this over with,” he says through gritted teeth.

“My thoughts exactly.” I mimic his tight smile.

I remember what Tiffany said and try to relax my body. Tension probably shows on camera.

“Okay everyone, let’sfinallyget this rolling,” Cameron calls out.

We take a seat on the beach swing they somehow brought in. I’m sure it was one of the assistants, or all of them. I’ve seen each of them at various parts of filming and they all look about ten seconds away from a meltdown.

They make us sit closer together and I feel the same electricity between us as before. I glare at Aaron. This is not happening, no matter what weird energy we have.

His face mirrors mine as they start rolling. Utter hatred morphing into fake happy smiles. I’m hoping that doesn’t fall into the unwilling contestant category.

“Now, talk about what you both want out of your lives and your future together,” Michael prompts.

“Well,” I whip my head toward him, “I guess I would like a future where I can have the freedom to follow my own path.”

I can see Tiffany frowning at me from the corner of my eye.
