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Aaron’s eyes stay locked on mine as he peels off each layer.

I get down to my bikini and his eyes trail down me. I shiver under his gaze.

It’s like a switch has been turned on between us. A raw, magnetic energy, pulling us toward each other.

My heart races as he takes a step toward me.

Water drips down his body and it takes everything in me not to run my tongue up his torso.

There’s a mischievous glint in his eye as he takes another step forward and reaches his hand out to my hair, tucking a strand behind my ear.

It feels like time stands still.

“Let’s get you warm.” Nathan throws the blankets at us.

Aaron smirks at me as he dries off.

Is he just playing with me? He can see that he’s getting a reaction out of me, and he wants to toy with me?

Someone with his status, money and looks surely has a roster of women and was never taking this whole engagement-on-a-reality-TV-show thing seriously.

I feel myself feeling jealous at the thought of him with other women. This is not good. I can’t do this.

Maybe I can, though. Maybe it can just be fun. It’s not like we’ll see each other after this.

It’ll be one of those stories I tell with my friends when I’m drunk, and they’ll say I’m exaggerating because it doesn’t sound real.

I think about this entire experience and how I got here to this moment, with these feelings.

I’ve felt something toward Aaron since the day we met. At first, I wrote it off as anger or annoyance or unwanted chemistry, but the more I lean into it, the scarier it feels.

I wonder what he’s like when he’s not on vacation. My guess is absent and consumed by work.

Not that I’m arrogant enough to think that he would like me back.

Great, now I’m overthinking it.

He’s just toying with me. I’m something shiny and I’m a distraction from all the things in his life that are stressing him out.

I take a breath. I think I’m okay with that. I think I’m okay with this being a fling, if something were to happen.

I watch as he helps the store manager clean up.

“He’s a good guy, you know.” Nathan comes over and swaps out my blanket for a warm one.

“From your twenty seconds with him?”

He laughs. “I’ve known him longer than that.”

“Oh. I didn’t realize.”

I narrow my eyes. Why is Nathan talking him up? He reminds me of Sienna trying to push us together. Once again, I feel like someone is thinking I’m the one that’s going to get Aaron to get his head out of his work and settle down. I don’t have the heart to tell him, but it won’t be me.

I’m not sure it’ll be anyone. If that’s his priority, then no one is going to change it. Most girls think they’ll be the one to change a guy, but from experience that doesn’t happen.

Nathan smiles gently. “He doesn’t get to come here often, but from afar he’s always helping a lot of our businesses out.”

I nod, unsure what he wants me to say. Sure, maybe Aaron’s a good guy under his usually grumpy demeanor, but it’s still not going to happen.
