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It could be one of those things that no one notices, or it could make me a laughingstock and ensure that I’m never taken seriously in my life or career.

After everything I’ve been through, I really need a win. I really need a change, and this could be it.

I look at my boss who looks eager to continue yelling at me. How much abuse can I really put up with from him?

I think of everything Danielle said. I think of my mom.

“I accept,” I breathe.

“Perfect, we’ll be in touch. Congratulations.” The woman hangs up.

Matheson takes a deep breath, like he always does before a big rant.

I put my finger up to stop him. “I can’t believe it’s taken me this long, but…” I take a step toward him, shift my shoulders back and stand up straight, “I quit.”

He looks like he’s about to yell, so I step forward again and speak louder. “You are an egotistical, misogynistic, deeply rude human being and you will soon realize that I am not the problem here. Oh, and you should really consider therapy, since you’ve clearly got anger issues. It’s probably why your wife left you.”

I know it’s petty and below the belt, but I needed to get a jab in. It was on the nicer end of the spectrum of things I could have said.

As I pack up my things, I think about all the torment Matheson has put me through. His voice, that would usually cause me a full-blown panic attack, is now just background noise.

He’s saying something along the lines of me being an ungrateful brat and how he’ll make sure I never work in this city or industry again. I ignore him and let out a deep breath.

I glance back and see Leila in her office, laughing and pumping her fist in the air.

The guys that have done nothing but enjoy my humiliation stare at me with their jaws dropped.

I smile and leave the building with my head held high, ready for whatever the future holds. Whatever job I get next, it’s got to be better than this one.



Irun my hand through my now-frizzy hair. My clothes cling to my skin as the humidity engulfs me.

I thought I looked half decent when I left Seattle, but after being shuffled through various airlines and several connecting flights, I show up to the resort in The Bahamas looking like a hot mess.

I regret changing into my jeans but the air conditioning on the plane made it feel like we were in Antarctica and by the time I woke up we were landing, and I didn’t have time to change.

Everything happened so quickly. The moment I left the office, I called Danielle and she screamed and saidI told youso.

I went home and started to pack, only to realize I didn’t really have anything that fit the beach vibe.

Danielle ditched work and badgered me to let her take me on a shopping spree,because I need to look hot on national TV(her words, not mine).

A few of the items I usually wouldn’t be caught dead in, but Danielle was paying so I let her have her fun. I fully intend on paying her back once I get the participation fee.

I spent the rest of the night stress-cleaning our apartment and barely slept.

I’ve been playing the moment I quit over in my head on a loop, wondering if I did the right thing. Danielle reassured me a million times and told me to embrace the universe being on my side, but as a lifelong people pleaser, it’s hard.

She said I need to embrace the opportunity and went on a massive tangent about becoming famous and traveling the world in a fancy new job as a TV personality. I reminded her that that’s her dream, not mine.

A frazzled woman runs up to me. “Finally! We’ve been waiting for you.”

I look around to make sure she’s talking to me. She is.

“If you didn’t have me on twenty different connecting flights, I would’ve been here sooner.” I roll my eyes.
