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I resist the urge to stick my tongue out. “I get it, though. When you put your life into something, you can’t waste the opportunity because you might not get another one.”

He nods his head. “Exactly. It’s all fleeting. It could all be gone tomorrow, and I’m trying to make sure it doesn’t, especially for all the people I employ. Anyway, thank you for this. It was good to just let loose. I mean, as much as I can with a stick up my…”

I slap his arm. “Okay, okay.”

He laughs and steps away.

I suddenly feel empty with the space he made between us. I turn and make my way into the shop.

“Hey, lovebirds. How’d it go?”

“Uh, we’re not…” I start. I look back and Aaron has disappeared.

“I’m just pulling your leg,” Nathan says, throwing me a towel. “But you must admit, you look pretty good together. Like an ad for Barbie and Ken, or whoever has ridiculously good-looking couples on their ads. Maybe it’s better that you aren’t together;the rest of the world doesn’t need to feel bad that they can’t be perfect like y’all.”

I scoff. “Ha-ha.”

Aaron walks in. “Sorry, just making sure the car knows to meet us here.”

I look at Nathan and then back to Aaron.

“What did I miss?” Aaron looks between us.

“Nothing,” we say in unison.

I start to walk away but Aaron pulls me toward him.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“Yeah, of course.”

He steps closer and puts his hands around mine.

“Did he try something?” His voice is deep, and his eyes seem to go darker.

I can feel an intensity radiating off him.

“Oh, God no. He was just joking about us being a couple.”

Aaron’s nostrils flare and I realize what he thinks I mean.

I release my hand from his and lightly stroke his arm. “As in you and I.”

I watch his entire demeanor shift as he exhales.

“Oh.” He lets go of my hands and rolls his shoulders back. “Okay, then.”

I stand there for a second, trying to comprehend what just happened.

Aaron is friends with Nathan. How could he ever think he would do something bad to me?

Nathan gives me a questioning look as I walk over to get changed and I shrug.

I don’t know what came over Aaron, but it was a side I hadn’t seen before.

I’m not going to lie; it was kind of hot seeing him go all alpha mode.

I get back into my clothes and Aaron puts his arm around me to lead me out of the store.
