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I frown. I know I could, but I have a lot of issues letting go.

She studies my face. “Mm, just what I thought. Married to the job, scared that if you give up even a little bit of control, everything you’ve worked for will disappear and you’ll be back in the place you were growing up.”

I push her arm. “Okay, Dr. Phil.”

She laughs. “Perks of your best friend’s mom being a shrink.”

This woman is completely fascinating to me. Just when I think I’ve got her figured out, she throws me something new.

There’s something captivating about her and it’s not just her looks. It’s something within that shines through and makes me feel lighter. She makes me feel like I can take on anything.

Despite the show being a complete disaster, it does feel like there’s something real here.

I know I’ve already overanalyzed the implications of something happening and all the roads that lead to something bad, but I haven’t considered if it all worked out.

I guess that’s always been my mentality — hope for the best, plan for the worst.

I realize she’s looking at me.

“Doing some deep introspection over there?”

I can’t help but chuckle. “You could say that.”

My phone starts ringing on the lounger. For once, I don’t want to answer it.

I’m about to let it go to voicemail when I realize it’s probably about the deal today.

I scramble out of the pool and practically dive for my phone.

I answer. Immediately, I’m sucked out of our day of fun and back into anxiety and dread.

Millie gets out of the pool. I gesture for her to go back in, but she shakes her head and takes a sip of her drink.

I pace back and forth as I hear my executive team going through the details with the other party, waiting to hear the conclusion they’ve come to.

I can hear a few familiar voices and I try to listen to their tone of voice. They sound happy, but it’s hard to tell.

I start biting my nails as I pace. Can’t they just get on with it?

A loud voice comes through the phone. “With that said, I think this is the perfect collaboration for us. You have an innovativeapproach and I think that we will make history together. It’s a deal.”

There’s a roar of applause and excitement in my ear. It’s finally done.

I punch the air. I probably look like a dork, but I don’t care.

It feels like the weight of the world has just lifted. This will put us back on top.

The fact that Jason pulled this off without me there makes me think thatmaybeI don’t have to micromanage quite so much.

I feel a wave of excitement and happiness rush through me, and I run to Millie with a massive smile on my face.

She looks confused as my body slams into hers.

Adrenaline pumps through my veins as she squeals, and we splash into the water.

My arms are wrapped around her body and even though we’re in the water, it feels like I’m on fire.

My hands drag up her sides and she shivers.
